-Low Ki
-The Wolves
-James Storm
-Drew Galloway
-Taryn Terrell
Bobby Roode - should of left TNA
-Low Ki should return to ROH
-Gunner had that feud with Storm then nothing happened. TNA writers are idiots
-The Wolves never should of signed with
-James Storm could of been a bigger star but TNA is obsessed with pushing ex-WWE stars
-Magnus don't care any more
-Bram better than Magnus
-EC3 poor guy stuck doing the same damn story forever. DOES TNA NOT UNDERSTAND CHARACTER PROGRESSION?
-Spud entertaining underdog
-Drew Galloway at least he is trying
-Taryn Terrell what does she do besides show off her breasts? seriously?
-Bobby Roode: Shouldn't be playing backup to a forty-six year old hasbeen
-Low Ki: Sucks in the ring, Sucks on the microphone and thinks of himself as a God.
-Gunner: Publicity Stunt, will go nowhere
-The Wolves: Overrated
-James Storm: Shouldn't be playing backup to a forty-six year old hasbeen
-Magnus: What is impressive about Magnus? Nothing.
-Bram: Shouldn't be playing backup to a forty-six year old hasbeen
-EC3: Remember when Ethan Carter III debuted? You should Impact! Wrestling is doing the same story.
-Spud: Remember when Ethan Carter III debuted? You should TNA is doing the same story.
-Drew Galloway: Best Damn Thing In Impact! Wrestling today, unfortunately it will go nowhere.
-Taryn Terrell: We're suppose to take her seriously because she can take a basic bump? Her Cutter sucks, she can't work a match; I don't know who Impact! Wrestling blows smoke up their ... more Gail Kim or Terrell.
-Bobby Roode : Good wrestler
-Low Ki : good guy to goto if a video game needs a motion capture person
-Gunner : looks big and tough
-The Wolves : tag team
-James Storm : day one
-Magnus : British
-Bram : the British guys buddy
-EC3 : hot and rich
-Spud : nerd
-Drew Galloway : the chosen one
-Taryn Terrell : just another model
Their all homosexual and my penis hits harder than they do