> WS: What are your overall thoughts on Wrestlemania 31?

WS: What are your overall thoughts on Wrestlemania 31?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Did you enjoy it? Did you think it was better than last year? Did you like the ending? What was your favourite match?

I enjoyed it a lot. It was definitely better than last year.

-The Triple H/Sting match was when it started to feel like Wrestlemania

-The Rock's segment was fun

-Undertaker looks phenomenal

-Seth Rollins is the WWE World Champion

Some changes I'd have liked;

-Mizdow should have won the Battle Royal, not Big Show. That sh!t was stupid.

-Bray should've looked a little stronger in his match.

-Seth Rollins should've cashed in after the match. I suppose WWE thought fans wouldn't get into the match and kept that as backup, so I can't say I blame them.

What I liked more is how much this changed the landscape for me. Undertaker looking healthy (he may retire at WM 32 but he honestly looks like he could go 2-3 years) makes it so much more homely for me. Seth Rollins is the champion, opening up variations of feuds between Rollins, Orton, Lesnar and Reigns. Mizdow's turned on Miz but I doubt WWE's pushing him even to the upper mid card. Let's see what the RAW after Wrestlemania has in store.

I enjoyed it. Better than last year? No. But it was good overall and Im just happy to see Taker back in winning form.

I loved it. But I still think Bray should have beat Taker. And I wish Reigns would have won but life goes on lol

Well they buried a lot of people

Roman reigns haters are dumb because reigns was protected didn't lose much

But the future starts now

Amazing ppv. The best in recent years anyway.

I have officially given up on the WWE

it was great the best match was the ladder match