Bonus Question: Who are the Top 3 superstars out of the active roster that get pops from the fans?
1. Daniel Bryan
2. Damien Sandow
3. Dean Ambrose
I prefer Damien Sandow over Cena. they need to revisit this feud and have Sandow win.
Hopefully he doesn't get the "Alex Riley" push.
The only person who gained a lot of benefit from rebelling against the Miz was Daniel Bryan.
1. Daniel Bryan
2. John Cena(he gets a big reaction at least)
3. Dean Ambrose
I think he is going to be in the mid-card for a long time, he is good but I don't think he will hit it big.
Daniel Bryan
Brock Lesnar
John Cena
I prefer sandow over mizdow anyday
Way better than mizdow
Didn't you ask this exact question yesterday?
not much