> WS: Can't we all just get along?

WS: Can't we all just get along?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Why do we have to bash certain users for liking Indy Wrestling? Why do we have to have pointless, heated debates about which one superior? Can't we just accept each other's preferences and move on?

That's what I'm saying. We can all like who we want to like. Just because you may like Japanese wrestling over the WWE,that doesn't mean you're a better wrestling fan than someone who watches the WWE and vice versa. I personally prefer wrestling over anything else, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect any other type of fan. As long as everybody doesn't bash other people's opinions or disrespect the wrestlers,we should respect people's opinions and also? LEARN to respect their opinions even if you don't agree with them. It's impossible for all of us to have the same opinions. Learn to agree to disagree.

That's why I try tell for the past months or year. I actually have no problem with people preferring WWE over Japanese or Indy wrestling I respect their opinion and they should respect people that enjoy watching other product as well. I actually enjoy WWE when it's good like right now. I enjoy when I see good wrestling whatever to promotion.

No we can not do that.

This is a good place to debate which is better, Indy or wwe, you shouldn't be on the Internet if you expect everyone to be nice all the time, I've gotten bashed on this site as much as anyone, I couldn't give a **** what others think of me

let me post a video........that bashes IWC.....oh wait I don't understand what was said in the video.....I'm not the problem you are!!!!