> WRESTLING SECTION: Do you really respect The Rock?

WRESTLING SECTION: Do you really respect The Rock?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I mean he left wrestling for acting. I have a hard time with that

he doesn't deserve much admiration. not only did he barely make any appearances at house shows when he was wwe champion in early 2013, which was disgraceful, but he also treated backstage interviewers badly for no reason yeas ago. he was very awful and disrespectful to backstage interviewers who were just trying to do their job, and who did nothing to deserve to be treated the way they were treated by the rock. it's awful that none of those backstage interviewers stood up to him and told him to knock it off and to stop trying to mess with them, and that they're just trying to do their job. the rock called other people jabronis all the time. well, if all of those people are jabronis, then the rock is a jabroni as well.

Rock has done everything that he could do in the WWE, and when he knew his time was up, he moved on.

Acting pays more than wrestling, he doesn't have to put his body on the line every week, and he won't have to worry about injuries(something that Cena will have to take into consideration late in his wrestling career).

It seems like leaving wrestling for acting turned out to be a good move. He was even the top grossing actor of 2013, according to Forbes.

I'd rather see him be happy and prosperous as an actor, than to hold on so long to wrestling that injuries slow him down.

I watched the 3 way match with Kurt Angle, Undertaker and Rock this morning. The Rock was a showman and acting is natural for him. The older these wrestlers become, the more they need to line something up for the future.

Respect The Rock more than Brock (crock) Lesnar.

He accomplished all he ever wanted to in the WWE and wanted to go and try new things. Why would you lose respect for him for that? Rock was a seven time champion when he left, he had nothing left to prove. Not every single WWE superstar is going to be a lifer.

He did everything he had to do in the industry and left for a safer, higher paying job. Millions respect him so whether you do or not is hardly a difference maker.

So did Hogan. What you have a problem with someone making a better life for themself and their family

Better then becoming a hasbeen who gets taken out due to a botched kick;

He left one acting job for a better more lucrative acting job. Big deal. He wants to make money. I doubt he cares about whether or not you approve of his career decisions.

I don't have a hard time with that, it isn't like he killed anyone.