> Unusual nunchaku (nunchucks)?

Unusual nunchaku (nunchucks)?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
What you have there are Philippine style nunchaku. Philippine style have usually eight to twelve inches of cord between the two halves and they are not used quite the same way in some respects like Japanese and Okinawan nunchaku are used. This gives a person more range and the focus with using them is to really strike more with the end or butt of one straight on. Philippine police carry them and I have seen a little 5"4" Philippine cop drop a bigger guy before.

With Japanese and Okinawan style chucks the emphasis is not just on striking with the end or butt of one but also with the side of that half as well as performing trapping and pinching type attacks in between the two sides of the weapon. Squeezing them together you can really excerpt a lot of leverage because the cord is only an inch or two long.

That is not an unusual shape for nunchaku.

Also, the chain is way too long. Chain was never used originally.

So those nunchaku were made by someone who doesn't know the history and correct use of the weapon.

I am with Darth. Octagon shape is not unusual. Mine are octagon shape. The chain is too long which would make 'catching' the weapon almost impossible without knocking yourself out. Sounds like someone rigged those without having a good understanding of the weapon.

Just adding to what Darth has written, Basic Octagon,doing it in metric measure,

Length 300-400mm ,

Diameter 30-40mm,

Distance of cord 75mm (originally horse hair)

Conversion site metric to imperial http://www.onlineconversion.com/length_c...

and heres a good link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunchaku

I have come across a strang pair of nunchucks recently. I believe they are Japanese based of the octagon shape how ever the chain is 8 inches long, a little shorter than the sticks (not sure of the proper name). Is there a specific name for this style of nunchaku? I'm a big guy and I hear the chain should be palm langth and the sticks are much shorter than I've ever seen. My curiosity is peaked, any info at all would be greatly appreciated. I'd also like to avoid hurting myself especially considering how fast they can go.