Davis via decision. Boring fight.
Both good fighters but looking at there fights and record they are more of an endurance fighter type. Both have halve the wind a as decisions. And the fights show a dance to there style, aka they don't like getting hit. But machida gets the ko's. Davis gets the submitions. They are very different fighters machida is stand up and davis is more well rounded but seems better on the ground. So with such a good set up...
Winner: machida via split decision
I think that Davis could actually win this thing. He's such a dominant grappler. IF he can cut off the ring and close the distance, he could win via dominant positional control; I could also see him submitting Machida via Anaconda, D'arce, or Arm Triangle choke (those are the types of attacks he seems to go for on the ground) He will have to take Machida's mobility through use of leg kicks and strikes to the body; that is the blueprint for slowing down "The Dragon".
Lyoto Machida defeats Phil Davis via TKO.
Machida got robbed!
he will lay on top of machida as much as he can
and since laying = success
he will win
phil davis? ima say lyoto by head kick
Whos gunna win? And how? Ten points to the winner