> UFC Training Book/Program??

UFC Training Book/Program??

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Just work out at home with a good mix of stretching, cardio and strength building. When you are ready to commit the time to take classes then you can think about doing mma. If its about money you can find trainers willing to work cheap or for trade if your committed.

I have trained in multiple different arts for years. I commit 6 hours a day to the two arts im focusing in and im crap. I have amazing instructors that range from training Olympic medalists to an innovator who created a new move for their art. I don't mean to say I cant fight, I can but im only decent or average. I wouldn't be an mma champion.

MMA fighting is a job not a hobby. You cant learn how to fight in mma from a book or youtube video. Those guys have to spend the whole day in the gym because thats their job. They train and have their every movement criticized till they get it right.

I don't mean to crush your dream I hope if you want to do mma you will but I want you to understand the level of training it takes. I think if you focus on getting flexible and in good shape you will do great when you do decide to take on classes and trainers because half the battle is being in the right shape to learn the arts.

Good luck.

You cannot effectively learn from books, websites, DVDs, etc. It's like masturbating, even if you looked at porn first - in the end you're still only screwing yourself. You need someone knowledgable to look at what you're doing and correct the mistakes you're making and explain anything that doesn't make sense to you.

Keyboard Warrior is right - if it were possible to learn this kind of stuff by yourself, all the martial arts schools and MMA gyms would have gone out of business years ago, 'cause everyone would be learning at home.

If you don't want to go to a class to train, then don't train in MMA or anything, find another hobby. You won't legitimately learn how to fight by teaching yourself something you don't know, without a partner. The way we learn is by carving things into muscle memory. By learning from a book, all you're doing is mimicking what you're seeing, you're not committing it to muscle memory.

Don't waste your time or money. If it was possible to learn at home, without having to pay a gym, we'd all be doing it.

How are you supposed to train for MMA if you have no knowledgeable instructor making sure you're doing it right? If all you're looking for is a workout, there are plenty of resources, but that's just a workout. You're not learning how to fight. You might as well go on the Navy SEALs prep site and do their conditioning routine; it's simpler and has a progressive format.

i want to start doing MMA but i dont want to take a class for it unless thats the last resort. I would like to go at my own pace whenever i want. is there any books that train you how to do MMA like the moves workouts etc if so plz name a few.