> Tricking (flipping): what should i learn?

Tricking (flipping): what should i learn?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Hi, i'm a tricker too so I can probably give you some advice.

It looks like you got most of your gymnastics tumbling skills down (not too sure about cheat kicks or Capoeira/Breakdancing orientated tricks).

However, if you want to progress in tricking I suggest getting down all the Class A tricks (absolute novice) first and then experimenting with some in Class B (beginner/intermediate tricks). [All tricks found here: http://www.club540.com/tricktionary].

I suggest not trying a super advanced move like a BS 1440 Jacknife or something because your just gonna get less motivated. Sure you may get down a few slightly more advanced tricks, but having a SOLID foundation and working your way up is undoubtably the BEST way to progress in tricking. For example if I wanna learn a Hyper Jacknife. My progression would undoubtably be: Roundhouse Kick-->Pop 360 Front Kick-->Tornado Kick-->HIGH Tornado Kick-->540 Kick-->Jacknife-->HIGH Jacknife-->Hyper Jacknife.

Keep in mind that the range of difficulty in Class B is quite wide. For example I found BTwist easier to learn than C720 or Arabian. So experiment around, look for tutorials on youtube (I suggest GingerNinjaTrickster for cheat kicks, Kyle Epic Mendoza for ALOT of important tricks).

Also, have FUN while learning new moves. I often find myself falling into the habit of forcing myself to drill a move over and over and it just wasn't fun :(. So go find some tricking friends, hit the gymnasium and mess around). You also probably know that you shouldn't be afraid to fall because falling actually helps me out a TON with like fear and preparation for a move.

Feel free to ask more questions! Hope this helps!

like someone said already... parkour or free running would be best... considering most things you said are based around tricking then actually doing martial art techniques

But there are some styles which include tricks... taeqwondo (cant spell it)... from what i know they have backflips and jumping with kicking... caporeia (cant spell haha :S)... it's a martial arts... but it's a hidden combat system... the techniques are hidden in dance... i think with your background of breakdancing and some tricking... i think that might be a good thing try :)

So you could do parkour or freerunning to help improve your tricking much more... or you could do tkd... or caperia... but i think parkour or freerunning will help you much more if you just wanna improve your tricking :)

I hoped i helped... and goodluck :)

oh and if you wanna do parkour or freerunning... find a local club in your area... and you should practice doing a breakfall (bassically doing a front roll... it is one of the most basic but most needed tricks you need for them)

Try looking up youtube videos on tricking or trickers (people who do tricking).

Some of the best trickers are:

Mackensi Emory

Danny Etkin

Among many others....

If you have a trampoline, I would practice tricking on there, so you won't hurt yourself.

Learn Parkour. It'll be a lot easier for you especially since you're in the UK and you'll learn a lot of tricks from them besides just flipping. Check out:http://www.3run.co.uk/

also you can search online for an official parkour team near your city and join.

Learn capoeira, since you are in the martial arts section you get a martial arts related response. Capoeira or XMA

Get a real job, before you break your neck and live off of my tax dollars!

I've been doing breakdancing for almost a year now and i can do a bit of tricking.

I am able to do:

A front flip, front flip half twist, front hand spring, front head spring,

A back tuck, back hand spring, back head spring,

A round off, kick the moon, butterfly kick, back wall flip.

I want to progress in tricking, what is the next few moves that i should learn?