I would keep Emmanuel Sander because he has a lot of potential this season especially due to Wes Welker's concussion and suspension and Eric Deker's trade. Sanders will fill the spot of Wes. Also, Sanders had 128 yards and 2 TD's in the preseason, imagine his stats this season without Welker for the first four weeks.
You do need help at QB given Newton's surgery, the completely new set of WRs and the hairline fracture of the ribs. However, I would not give up Sanders for him.
Whenever you can trade a potential star WR for the 15th QB drafted (before Week 1) you have to do it.
Obviously he's the best QB you can get, because you asked.
P.Rivers is no better than McCown..
You do not need Rivers,but you do need Sanders.
Sanders has BEAST potential;Keep him.
I would, Your Qbs are weak and Rivers is really talented.
12 team PPR league. My team:
QB- Newton, Mccown
WR- Jeffery, Fitzgerald, Wayne, Sanders
RB- AP, Morris, Blount, Ridley, Dwyer
TE- Rudolph
Newtons a big question mark thus far and idk if I can handle that all year. Someone offered me Rivers for Sanders. Is it worth it to part with him?