> Trade Cam Newton and SF defense for Romo?

Trade Cam Newton and SF defense for Romo?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I drafted Cam not knowing he was in rough shape and I accidentally drafted 2 defenses because my draft tool screwed up during a pick.

The guy with Romo has Buffalos D

Yes cam newton and sf d will struggle... If he accepts than you're lucky... I hate romo and the cowboys but he's better than newton. He's hurt, new wrs and NO OFFENSIVE LINE

Yes Romo will be throwing all season and rack up the yards and TDs. I drafted Dez for this reason. Good move

I drafted Cam not knowing he was in rough shape and I accidentally drafted 2 defenses because my draft tool screwed up during a pick.

The guy with Romo has Buffalos D