> Thoughts on Team MMA?

Thoughts on Team MMA?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
"Let the Hunger Games Begin and may the odds be ever in your favor!!!"

That is my thought a ridiculous bloody spectacle that is ill organized and putting some guys at a huge disadvantage from the get go, now I know MMA as a sport is striving for realism in combat but let's not try to look for the next gimmick for a while,the sport's doing fine the way it is , as well as this there's no way to regulate it and the rules would never be the same as Pro MMA because it's too dangerous, these fighters aren't the same weight some aren't the right skill level, the likelihood of illegal strikes is much higher even if an accident and how could a team of ref's regulate this safely?, If people want team MMA the IFL had team MMA right with a leader board and the team with the most wins becoming champions like some amateur boxing and wrestling championships, it may not seem fair in some regards as a fighter could lose a few time's dragging down the team's score or that team could still end up winning but let's be honest it's still a better idea than 10 guys in a cage at once.MMA is fine the way it is at the moment, leave your basketbrawl,your padded up gladiators and your free for all brawls in the vault for a while , and then if they're needed let's try and make them better safer and more enjoyable to watch

I have always thought more street like a training gets, the more dangerous it gets for the participants. And it's usually because of the multiple variables that you can't prepare(rules and equipment wise) for.

As an example a practice baton sparring is almost completely safe if you have proper rules and gears, but when you throw in the variable of empty hand fighting the rules gets blurred and you can't have perfect gear for both empty hand and weapon and etc. And this is only with a static variable(baton).

Multiple opponents are constantly changing variables and such drills should be practiced with much control to prevent injury. So I see that contest as a very dangerous thing unless they start including a lot of rules and safety equipments. And even then I don't think it should be practiced competitively.

It's pretty stupid. For starters, the lack of weight classes made it very dangerous (the one team all appeared to be over 200lbs, while the other guys seemed to average around 180lbs or so). You also have to consider that the extreme lack of rules just makes things worse: we saw guys getting kicked and stomped by two or more opponents. The refs can't be everywhere at once. This format only increases the chance of serious injury. If they had more protective gear, I might be willing to give it a try, but like all crazy Russian ideas, it's going to fade out soon.

I saw that video as well. Although it was more realistic in terms of violence, i don't like the idea of it as sport. I'm sure some people enjoyed it, but i wasn't one of them. Each to their own.

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I think it's ridiculous and I don't think it will break through. But it shows pretty well why fighting multiple opponents is next to impossible.

Martial arts is not good cause I put the karate in a wheel chair because I did kickboxing because the food was not food and he point his messed up thing at my truck.

Came across a video on facebook which showed two teams of MMA fighters fighting each other in an giant ring.


here's a link to help better explain on what I meant. Curious to know what your thoughts are on this.