> Thoughts about Rusev?

Thoughts about Rusev?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I actually love him.He is strong,fast and has a good moveset.

Q2 : What future holds for Rusev after WrestleMania beacuse let's face it,John Cena will win US championship??

RIP Rusev cause john cena is going to kill rusev at wrestlemania he already buried other talents so i feel bad for rusev but hopefully i hope john cena or wwe dont bury rusev in wrestlemania but its unlikely rusev is near its end but i hope not.Rusev is a great talent if he survived then his future is bright he will become one of the biggest star his mic skills are also good and improving so yes if he survived his future would be good

he needs to drop the whole "Russian Sympathizer" gimmick. it's 2015. the USA vs. Russia/Middle East/foreigner storylines will NEVER be main event caliber stuff. he doesn't need to get rid of it fully, but the whole Russia thing can NOT be the central focus of his storylines if he is to further his career beyond just an above average mid-card heel. he has all the tools of a good main event heel, he just needs better writing.

i think he is one of the best heels WWE has at the moment, definitely the best as far as heat goes (look at most other heels- they either get cheered (i.e. Lesnar, Wyatt, etc.) or get very weak, uncaring boos (i.e. Rollins, BNB, Harper, Stardust, etc.). Rusev consistently gets booed out of the building. as a heel, that's a good thing. it means he's good at his job. he's good on the mic, Lana is too. they know how to get the crowd to completely hate them. pretty good in ring ability for sure.

as for the future- it depends on what happens at WM31 imo. if he loses, you can kiss his career goodbye. next year he'll probably lose in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal or have some forgettable mid card match that no one cares about. if he wins though, i can see him carrying some PPVs and having a main event, or at least main event caliber, match at WM32.

his fate pretty much depends on the writers which is never a good thing. he has the tools to be great, just depends if the writers realize that or not. IMO i don't think they do.

Love Him.. He's great in the ring.. And even a greater heel.. Reminds me a lot of Umaga.. They had similiar streaks.. Hopefully after Cena takes the title.. He doesnt get buried...

although john cena is the world champion rusev is the strong aponent to beat

Future? SuperCena strikes! Here comes the burial! lmao