> Thoughts about Reigns acting skills?

Thoughts about Reigns acting skills?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
"Reigns says he's going to take everything Lesnar has and then hit him with a Superman punch and a spear. Believe that."

- Oscar of the lamest promo in the wrestling history

Roman Reigns is young, Smarks are being ......' Pathetic; Parasites who aren't even Professional Wrestling Fans be leeching on the product just for attention to .....;

The People need to stop acting like Reigns is 'The Worst Thing Evar'.

If I had never watched wrestling, and had been told beforehand how laughably fake wrestling was. Then Roman Reigns would at the exact level I would expect for a wrestler.

I think he's secretly the best actor in the universe and just pretends to be boring to trick people (he's the best actor and look at his vest he wears?)

Dave hit the nail on the head

he needs work

He is boring

is he gonna be the stunt double for Aquaman?