> Thinking of getting back into martial arts but which one?

Thinking of getting back into martial arts but which one?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If you made it to brown belt you should know that there is good and bad karate.

Check out this site http://uechiryuwest.com/uechi3.html it may be a good option for you in San Jose.

Maybe you must go back to Karate. You're a brown belt. You are almost black. I am also a brown belt in karate and it is a lot of hard work. You have worked so hard and come so far. You can always begin again. And don't worry about all the stuff you forgot! It will come back as soos as you begin training again.try and find a different sensei. One with a lot of energy and spirit. When you have a good sensei the karate will be fun again. Remember NEVER GIVE UP!! You can still get that black belt!

If you can find a good Hapkido school (pretty rare) you will cover all aspects of fighting (grappling, striking, counters, kicking, weapons, throws, locks, ect.). Also, you may or may not have forms depending on the association/federation. A lot depends on this, as well as the teacher. It may or may not be what you are looking for. You can always get back into your main art (I would do that), but why did you leave to begin with? As for any art, religion depends on the instructor.

If you want power do MMA or something else that does not concern itself too deep with the details of a technique. Good techniques are not generated with strength. Grace comes from good techniques not brute strength. Brute strength is ugly. It works but it is ugly. So you need to decide which you prefer as they can not be one. It's either, or.

If you wanna be fit just do Cardio like Insanity.

If you want self defense go to Martial Arts. Easy as that.

yes your a feeble mind

if your getting back ud know ud get

20 different answers but your bored so i can

understand that

It's been about 3 years and I was a brown belt in a Karate style with so many katas i can't remember any that well :) Anyways, I'm in better shape then I was when I quit, and I'm not really keen on repeating the same thing.

Anyways, I did collegiate wrestling (so i know what's useful of Judo), am a fencer, and did Shitu-Ryu. What does the web suggest? I'd like something graceful, but power is my forte

Also, I'm a pastor and don't want to have to sit through to much eastern religious stuff feeling all awkward.

if it helps i'm in the San Jose area, 28 yrs old but still spry