> Striking to the neck? Self defense?

Striking to the neck? Self defense?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I will put it a little differently.

If I am in a situation where I am in danger, I will take what ever way is available to avoid, or remove myself from that danger. If I must defend to do that, the "target" is one of opportunity. Neck, or other target that presents. The only "go to" protocol in protection is escape and live another day.

Your instructor is correct - absolutely so. Damage can be fatal, or result in paralysis, or you can break a bone. You can also stun your opponent - leaving little lasting damage. Proper training will allow you any result you need.

There ought never be a "go to" technique in self-defense.

There should only be "come to" techniques.

In other words, don't go looking for a technique to use; rather, let the opportunity present itself. That is why TMA train in a wide variety of techniques, rather than just a few. If someone has got you tangled up in a head lock, and your "go to" technique is a neck chop... then I'm sorry, but you're out of luck. Because in a head lock, there are many more appropriate (and less lethal) techniques: a throw, an escape, a groin strike, a knee strike... there are a myriad techniques you can use, but there are many that you shouldn't use - like a neck chop. So the danger here is that you are defenseless: your "go to" technique is unavailable to you, and you haven't trained to use something else.

Like Kokoro said, it depends on the location on the neck and the force with which you strike. Bu it is true that it can cause serious damage.

There really shouldn't be any go-to techniques in a fight. You use what techniques work at that time. Trying to focus on hitting one particular spot (neck, for example) could possibly cost you the fight as you are not focusing on what you should be - fighting.

That being said, there's no need to avoid it as a target, and if your life is on the line and you need to hit them in the neck to get away, then do it. But take into consideration the damage it can cause, and don't use full force if you don't need to.

It can be dangerous, however don't imagine that any time that you get any type of strike in the neck that your life is in danger...Generally when fighting you should avoid if you can, any strikes or moves, in places that can cause more injury than the situation demands...

There is no excuse of using excessive force in any law...and in many places the law will be the least of your troubles for this, plus your conscience .. So my advise is to defend wisely, and in order to defend wisely you need first to be secure, smart and brave...

If you are in a run of the mill street fight, you don't want to be dropping elbows on someone's neck. If life and limb are on the line, however, you take what is given.

You can kill someone by punching them hard in the throat. In fact, any given point on your neck is basically asking to be hit.

That depends where and how hard you strike. You can cause perminate damage or death

My instructor told me that striking to the neck can cause serious spinal cord damage, is this true? And what degree would that damage entail? Is striking to the neck a go-to protocol when it comes to self defense? How dangerous is this?