> Should Wrestlemaina be free because its fake?

Should Wrestlemaina be free because its fake?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Should Movies, Video Games, Literature, Television, ect be Free because they are Fiction?

Let's see. Television, Movies, Novels, Video Games, ect all fiction; NEWS Reporters read off teleprompters, Sports have rules; hell The President has people write speeches for him. What is the difference?

You pay to watch TV shows don't you? That's fake yet you're paying. Let's say you watch 'free' online streams, yet you're paying for the Internet access thats needed to get on the Internet. Nothing in life is free because someone has to pay one way or another. WWE isn't fake you retard. It's scripted and the bumps they take is real.

By that logic, video games and movies should be handed out free of charge because they're fake.

did you know: bill demott's sole purpose at wwe developmental was to torture and make people like you cry and quit at wrestling camp.

yes its fake and duh it should be free because its fake#alsoallpaperviews