> Should I do Capoeira If I Like Streetdancing and fighting?

Should I do Capoeira If I Like Streetdancing and fighting?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Yes definitely. Contrary to what some people may think, Capoeira can be a very effective fighting system. The feints, dodges, and well-coordinated kicks can really throw an inexperienced opponent off guard. There are definitely fitness benefits to doing Capoeira, and you can pick up moves you won't find in any other kind of dance class.

Everybody who says its only a dance and not that strong when it comes to fighting are a bit lost , please check some knock outs of capoeira . I really love capoeira , the music , dancing , fighting , it's just a great atmosphere

Yeah sure if you like both dancing and fighting sure try it but as far as I'm aware you also have to learn the drumming and singing aspects of the art.

And don't worry about naysayers such as kw while he gives good advice normally he does have a bias to MMA as opposed to TMAs

Sure, why not?