> Should I beat up this stupid b****?

Should I beat up this stupid b****?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Jwbulldogs gave you an adult answer. I am about to give you a teenage one.

Skip beating her up, getting jumped, and then your friends jumping them. The principle, the councilor, and the social worker are all obviously incompitant morons, and in life outside of highschool there will be none of these people, so time to handle this like an adult.

Take all your toughest friends. Go up to her in her group (don't be scared, you got your friends watching your back). Call her out and tell her the next time she pushes you, you are going to kick her a#$. Most likely, she will get up and fight you. Be the first to hit as soon as she gets in your face (yea, whatever, dislike me all you want people, the administration will break it up in 30 seconds, might as well cause as much damage as fast as possible, and that starts with the first hit. Its not like you go to jail for a school fight) and make it a clean hit. When someones in your face, I like to hit their jaw with a hook punch. Unexpected and great for a first hit. May knock her out. Her being in your space is a violation of your privacy and obvious she wants to fight, so why not hit first?

Make sure your friends make it well known that if anyone jumps in on you, they all fight.

Best case senario (though very unlikely) is you guys make peace. But war comes before peace.

Worst case senario? You and your friends get beat up ( but hey, a massive fight in highschool with your friends at your back? Talk about making memories and an awesome story for your kids!).

And if you get in trouble, tell the principle "Well, you didnt solve anything, so I was an adult and tried to solve it with words, then she got in my face so I defended myself!"

Btw if you are going to confront/ possibly fight her, please do it in the next few days so you can tell us all what happened!

(edit) Let me justify and revise my answer a little. First, yell at her to back off if she gets in your face. If she pushes you or doesn't, then it is the time to fight.

As for justification, there are three things I hate. I hate bullies. I hate when people rely on others to solve their problems for them. But most of all, I hate when people won't stand up for themselves. And all these can be solved by standing up for yourself, whether or not that results in a fight.

Here's a quote from a movie I just watched (the punisher) that I think is pretty relevant:

In certain extreme situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law to pursue a natural justice. This is not vengeance; revenge is not a valid motive, it's an emotional response. No, not vengeance... punishment."

Well, let's see, noone believes you already so when you do beat her up noone will believe you still and you will take the fall for having started this.

You are smart and already figured out that if you do beat her up it will snowball. Most people can't even think that far.

Doesn't it bother you to put your friends at risk? I mean after all they are your friends. And I don't mean at risk just for injury. Getting expelled for fighting is hardly a credit and if anything should result in assault charges because someone got out of hand and hit harder than intended that can be qwuite serious. Would you screw up someone's life like that to satisfy your ego? Pretty selfish wouldn't you say?

If not for yourself then at least for the safety of your friends you should decide not to fight. This is between you and this other girl and the two of you should either settle it without dragging the whole school into it or ignore each other. you should be a good friend to your friends too.

Tell your parents and let them talk to the school. Continue to tell school administrators. The school will take action. They can't tell you what they have done. Therefore, you shouldn't assume that they don't believe you or haven't taken any actions. But if fail to continue to let them know they will assume what they did has worked and it hasn't.

If you fight win or lose you can be suspended and or expelled. You can be charged with assault and maybe other crimes. You will have a record. You don't want to be in the system. Once you are in you can't get out. It can affect you going to school (college) and your future employment. Your parents can be fined and or arrested because of your stupidity. It is not fair, but life is not fair. You could get beat up or killed and it is not worth that. Even if you get beat up you can still face the above consequences.

You already know that if you start a fight you will get in a ton of trouble. Do not fight, it will only make everything worse.

The best thing you can do is avoid and ignore her. If you want you can try going to the police, that's if the school is doing nothing. But again, be smart and don't fight. Resolve this in a safer and smarter way.

Now go forth, and don't fight.

i know how you feel cuz i went through the same problem.... anyway this is what i did. you should show her your good side like be nice with her. eventually she'll be in good terms with you.

if that doesn't work i really don't know

i hope i was helpful and i am extremely srry if this doesn't help...

hope you'll be good friend =)

Try not to hang around her...and no DON'T beat her up

No you shouldn't. You'll only get yourself deeper into trouble

Tell her she looks fat


okay so this girl has been pushing me around when she's with a group but when she's by herself she doesn't even look at me! I'm tired of this situation, I already told the teacher, the counselor, and the social worker but no one believes me. I know they won't do anything about it! She's a junior and I'm a freshman but I wanna kick her *** so badly! I know I'll beat her up but after that I'll get beat up by her friends and my friends will beat up her friends. Should I beat her up or what should I do?