> Self defence personal stories?

Self defence personal stories?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
2 years ago, I was walking home , it was actually from karate practice lol coincidence.

But anyway, I was walking home and there was a man who was probably about 16-20, I guess, and I think he was intoxicated, but I don't know, maybe he was just crazy, or just didn't see the black belt I was wearing.

Anyway, he started following me and was like "come here baby I want to talk to you". I started walking faster.

He caught up and tried to grab my wrist in which case I did a wrist lock technique and elbowed him in the side of the head. Next I did a spinning back kick, which knocked him down, but I could see he was mad as he got up, and I was already in my guardian stance.

I did a roundkick, reverse punch, then crescent kick to the head, and a rock palm to the chin. He was down.

To keep him there, I did a front kick to the chest.

I didn't know what to do, so I called my brother, who was 14 at the time, and he said to just come home and leave the guy there, since I could get in trouble for hurting him.

So I went home, but it turns out there was an onlooker, because about 15 minutes after I got back, the police arrived, and said I wasn't in trouble, since the witness told them what happened, but that I shouldn't have run off, I should have been the one to call them. I was more nervous when the police got there than when I was actually fighting, since the adrenaline was rushing.

Anyway, that's mine.


A good program you can following is http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=4... It teaches some self defence moves and tecniques to protect you and your family in case of violent situations.

Bye Bye

way to go rachel high five to you. and nice job damon.

i was involved in a fight because two guys were eve teasing a girl and it was 2 pm at a market place i still think of their guts what the hell. anyways i got punched twice in the face and fell but then i immediately got up and kicked the hell out of them punched one and kicked other on the groin and gave him rapid knee attack in his gut or groin i don't know i hit 8 to 9 times and he fell. the other one came with a a bunch as i suck at blocking so i punched him back and we both punched each other at the same time and then he ran. my face was swollen and wasn't able to eat properly bcz of the pain in my jaw and it lasted 5 days.


I followed this online course http://www.downloadita.it/r/rd.asp?gid=4... because I wanted to learn some self-defence tecniques to protect me and my family against thiefs.


I just find them interesting to see how people respond like. What happened? Yours and their injuries? Did you get away with it/get in trouble? Etc...

My one is:

I was outside my house after about a month of living at my house. A boy the same age as me was spitting, being abusive to people, etc., and others. He was also throwing rocks at cars and houses.

As I was out the front of my house, he came up to me threating to hit me with a poll. I just laughed and ignored it as he is pathetic, smely little **** and then he came right up to me; so I used my Judo moves on him and threw him off my back. When I was doing the throw, I fell on top of him to do a scarf hold, then I punched him in the face...when he got up holding his knows as I punched him there, I did my Taekwondo move this time and did a rising/axe kick to his face.

Him and his friends ran off...

Next minute, the police came and I was in the right to self defence as you can guess as he was going to smack my head in will a poll lol and beat me up with his friends. Ahahah!