> Question about mma sparring?

Question about mma sparring?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Sparring at a high level is safer than what many realize if the proper gear is worn and those involved are practicing good training habits that they have learned. Control among other things is something that might not be so obvious to an untrained person. That is how hard you actually land or make contact and a good fighter or martial artist will have a feel for this and be able to control how hard something lands while still executing it with speed. I never for instance would hit or kick a sparring partner full force unless they were quite a bit heavier and bigger framed than myself and also experienced. They being bigger and more heavier framed and thickly muscled could take more in the way of physical punishment and so then I could work more on power and generating it in things when sparring. Sparring partners my size or smaller I would have to exercise control with so as not to hurt them seriously or do nothing more than maybe wind them a little. Head gear helps give a little more measure of safety and minimize the chances of accidents but control usually still has to be exercised in a lot of sparring sessions if done properly.

The other thing about this is when you have trained, experienced, conditioned fighters their bodies are usually more durable and tougher than the average Joe's body. There's a reason why they do all that stretching and all those calisthenics like burpees and crunches and countless other things. Its for their own protection and to better handle the rigors and demands sparring puts on their bodies and taking the physical punishment that includes among other things.

This is one of the things bad about MMA in my opinion is that young men think they should and can just get out there and whale away on each other and nobody will get hurt. Instead you teach and train young men what to do and how to do it first and they learn the proper skills and develop their ability with them while also conditioning their bodies over time. Too many schools and gyms rush that process and just teach them a little and turn them loose sparring too soon in my opinion and then their skills don't develop fully while people also get hurt more often than they should.

Yes it's safish. I mean sure you'll maybe get a bruise or some nose bleed but it's not a big deal. You want to be fighter? Then you have to fight. People seem to forget that these days. Fighting is not always a fun activity for the whole family as many martial arts styles have made it.

That’s not a usual sparring. We usually go with more area oriented sparring like rolling with pure grappling rules, pure muay thai rules, and sometimes a little combinations of one and the other. Once in a while we go all areas all out, but more likely sparring is limited areas or limited contact with all areas allowed.

the more you sweat in practice the less you bleed in combat. a person who fights all the time wont get hurt as much as a fighter who does not

To be competitive you need to train like that. It takes one fight team to set the bar that high and if others don't match the intensity then they won't win. Training like is brutal and injuries will happen but what can you do? If I'm not training to the max then my opponent will and I won't be able to compete with him.

I was watching YouTube to see how mma fighter train. I saw the sparring session where, they go at each other relentlessly. Back and forth tearing each other apart. My question is, sparring like that safe? Sure they had head pad and gloves but not al the time. Doesn't that shorten yourself career going all out like that everyday?