> Professional Wrestling: When is Censorship justified in Professional Wrestling?

Professional Wrestling: When is Censorship justified in Professional Wrestling?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
We're of course still on The People side of Professional Wrestling, there is an entire 'Top Ten List' of World Wrestling Entertainment 'Censoring' fans such as:

Removing 'Zack Ryder = Rating' Signs,

Removing Ex-WWE Employee signs [CM Punk]/Muting Chants,

Removing Slanderous Anti-BeAStar signs referring to heel McMahon segments [Vince 'Jim Ross' McMahon],

Removing signs referring to spoilers or non-WWE Employees,

Removing 'Rabid Wolverine' signs/references to other companies [UFC, TNA, ect],

Removing signs of unnecessary previous non referenced gimmick references,

Removing signs/fans who are attempting to showboat their way into the show.

Removing 'Should be in Hall Of Fame' Signs that has zilch to do with the current product [Owen Hart]

Removing Fans disrupting the show cheering for heels/booing faces.

Removing Fans under the influence/signs referencing old product Vs new product [I could be at home watching Nitro… for $9.99]

I don't know but every single one of these cases is justified, but maybe I have a greater grasp at business.



"Removing Fans disrupting the show cheering for heels/booing faces."

HOW is this justified? It does not disrupt the show in any way. Jon Cena never botched a moved because people were booing him too much. If you removed every fan that did this you'd have nobody but unsupervised 5 year olds in the arena

It is WWE's job to make the fans hate the heels and love the faces. If someone isn't doing their job right, it's not the fans fault. they've done it before so they have no excuses. WWE either has to change something or live with it.

when people do this or chant CM Punk (or anyone else not in WWE) it's not to be cool. It's because the product isn't as good! WWE wants us to stop, give us a reason to forget about Punk. It's NOT our job to be perfect audience members. We are not paid extras. We are fans. The end.

also, i see you don't know what "showboat" means...

The time to remove a fan is when they are being disruptive, and example of that would be someone who is drunk, cursing, and being a general pain in the *** to other fans. Fans dress as legends are not being a pain in the *** to anyone.

The incidents I have describe are not that, most of the incidents you have describe is not that, no body wants to support a murder and wwe has every right to take those signs of Benoit away.

Fans chant stupid things like cm punk or for jbl because wwe isn't entertaining them so they had to entertain themselves, if wwe puts forth a better product, they wouldn't have the problem with those fans. I said it from the very beginning that wasn't the kind of chants wwe wants when they was praising the crowd for being lively, because those fans was just that bored.

Removing 'Zack Ryder = Rating' Signs

That's pretty harsh, Zack Ryder fans have it tough enough as it is...

So we can't cheer for heel wrestlers, even if we like them?

You got to be kidding

Edge was my fave when he turned heel. I preferred him over cena. Does that mean I should get kicked out in 2006, if I cheered edge instead?

People who cheer cena are aloweed to say but don't you dare cheer rusev. Or you get kicked out.

I disagree Dave.

"Removing Fans disrupting the show cheering for heels/booing faces"

This one I don't agree with.