> No matter how strong you are as a female?

No matter how strong you are as a female?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If by strong, you mean "muscular", then yes, but that would have little to do with martial arts anyway.

Women can easily bridge the gap of muscular strength with assertive aggression. What I mean is, guys and gals alike can learn technique, and even if men are physically stronger, women have a something that men don't have because we (us guys, or most of us, anyway) tend to rely on our physique. Even if that woman is under the guys' physical strength level, most women have a predominant aggression that guys don't tend to have, or at least don't use. It's like a determination, but translated into an outward physical force. The only thing close I know to call it is "assertive aggression".

In any case, I really wouldn't worry about it. Technique, skill and experiential knowledge beats out raw strength any day. Not being stronger can be a disadvantage, but only in time. In a self defense situation, you want to end it as fast as possible. The main reason is that time is never on your side. Self defense is no sport, so in most cases, the person is at a disadvantage in one way or another. In the case of a skinny woman fighting a muscular man, time is against the woman, but technique will win if the woman is trained properly. That's just what the martial arts is all about.

No matter how physically strong you are as a female OR male, there will always be someone stronger. If not now, wait until you are in your 40's and onward. But what does this have anything to do with martial art?

The point of martial art is to defeat someone stronger than you with skill. If you are relying solely on physical strength to defeat your adversary, then you have missed the whole point of learning a martial art. You might as well stand toe to toe trading punches and slug it out like brain dead morons.

Yes and no.

In competitions they pitch people of approximately the same rank and weight against each other in divisions. So often competitors seek other advantages to get an edge such as in strength and endurance so if they get matched with an opponent who is really close to their own ability, superior strength, endurance and also a little luck will often decide who wins.

But life is fair sometimes and as Shaeek correctly mentioned a weaker individual is forced to learn better techniques. Women tend to pick up much more easily on the finer nuances of the techniques that make the techniques work so much better than guys do provided they have a good teacher who knows the nuances and can teach them. They have to or they will not be able to make the techniques work. What the guys lack in techniques they substitute with strength and it works just as well for them so they usually do not look for more technique until they get old and their strength leaves them and then they start looking for alternatives.

So yes in theory if a guy had the same knowledge and knew how to make the technique work with all the bells and whistles that a girl has to use to make it work for her it would make him stronger. But guys will rather lift lots of weight as you can see from the many questions about weight on here to make up the difference than try to refine the techniques which is a slow and tedious process.

I also believe that this may be the reason that there are less women in martial arts. First it takes them longer to learn all the smaller details so they are often dismissed as 'slow learners' and second a teacher may not know the nuances to teach them in the first place because they themselves never had to learn them which makes them poor teachers for women. Therefore women often do better in sports martial arts because of the divisions in competitions the odds are evened out.

When you change the physiology of a being you change the entire structure of the organism. This means it is physically impossible to make an identical replica. For example when cloning a living person, that clone may look identical and be identical in every single way but the characteristics and the incidents that unfold in your life while growing and maturing make the 2 beings separate individuals, which is the reason why 2 identical twins are 2 very different people despite being identical.

This being said means that if a male version of me was made and trained the identical styles as me, yes he would be stronger and bigger and faster and therefore would have trained differently to me and learned to hone different skills to me, The smaller, weaker person is forced to develop better technique due to lack of size. Where as the larger version cuts corners here and there. Attitudes would be different, chemical balances would be different, mental ability would change. etc...

Therefore you have 2 very different people fighting with 2 different skills sets not the same person but different sexes.

This by itself makes this question 100% invalid of a legitimate answer

As a general rule males are ohysically stronger than females. But this is not true of every male or female. There are many females that are much stronger than a male.

If you were able to duplicate a male version of yourself then you would likely be pretty much equal in strength.

Size and strength are good attributes but they won't win in every encounter. I'm am trained to deal with these qualities and any one else can too. But it takes time.

There are many factors that contribute to victory on the battlefield.

Physically speaking, the case will always be that you could be stronger if you were a male?I'm a girl and that's the conclusion I made, is that if you're female, and are very strong and able to fight really well using martial arts, such as judo or kung fu, if you were a guy version of yourself, you could still be stronger.

However, I've also concluded that if for instance, you were somehow fighting your guy self from a parallel universe or something, what would win the fight is whoever has the better strategy.If you, the girl version of yourself, has come up with a better strategy on how to win, than ultimately you'll be the one to win the fight.

Does anyone agree with this?