> Martial Arts for Exercise with Limitations?

Martial Arts for Exercise with Limitations?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You call this slow?

IMO many martial arts would suit your needs provided you find the right school and teacher. For conditioning, strength and balance building you merely need to practice in a no or light contact situation and many schools can accommodate that.

Chi-gung exercises (qi gong) are done by Tai-chi-Chuan practitioners to get their bodies in shape for the fighting aspects. Some chi-gung is slow, but others are not. Here is a link to a type of chi-gung called "animal exercises" (now referred to as "zookinesis"):

Rather than a specific art, I would recommend you find an instructor who is willing and experienced enough to work around your limitations. I know they are out there. Our school does this with folks who have all kinds of handicaps. I know of another Wing Chung school that does also. We are in Delaware USA, The other is in New Jersey USA.

I am aware of Tai Chi. Are there other martial arts I should consider? I am looking for exercise that will help core strength and balance. I was in a motor vehicle accident a few years ago and suffered a mild brain injury from which I fully recovered; but, I need to avoid sports with risk for blows to the head. The accident also left my wrists fragile, although I'm about to have surgery to get a partial fusion on my right one.

I have always been interested in martial arts but over the years chose other forms of exercise. I'm buddhist and have been meditating on and off for a few years and just feel that now seems to be the time to begin a martial art that will help me improve my core strength/balance and help with daily stresses, etc. I tried a 6 week tai chi course and I'm sure over time I would get great benefit from it but it seemed a bit slow and I just wonder if there are other options out there.

Thank you.