> MLB, pitcher-hitting question?

MLB, pitcher-hitting question?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If you were to get a great hitting pitcher, but you are in the AL, could you have the DH hit for someone else in the field, so the pitcher could hit?

Nope. The DH can only be used to replace the pitcher. A lot of amateur leagues allow the DH to be used for any player, but not MLB.

You can elect to have the pitcher hit rather than use the DH, but if you do, you're not allowed to DH for the pitcher later in the game.

It's covered in the rules by rule 6.10. The DH can only hit for the pitcher in the major leagues.

6.10 Any League may elect to use the Designated Hitter Rule.

(b) The Rule provides as follows: A hitter may be designated to bat for the starting pitcher and all subsequent pitchers in any game without otherwise affecting the status of the pitcher(s) in the game. A Designated Hitter for the pitcher must be selected prior to the game and must be included in the lineup cards presented to the Umpire in Chief. The designated hitter named in the starting lineup must come to bat at least one time, unless the opposing club changes pitchers. It is not mandatory that a club designate a hitter for the pitcher, but failure to do so prior to the game precludes the use of a Designated Hitter for that game. Pinch hitters for a Designated Hitter may be used. Any substitute hitter for a Designated Hitter becomes the Designated Hitter. A replaced Designated Hitter shall not re enter the game in any capacity. The Designated Hitter may be used defensively, continuing to bat in the same position in the batting order, but the pitcher must then bat in the place of the substituted defensive player, unless more than one substitution is made, and the manager then must designate their spots in the batting order. A runner may be substituted for the Designated Hitter and the runner assumes the role of Designated Hitter. A Designated Hitter may not pinch run. A Designated Hitter is "locked" into the batting order. No multiple substitutions may be made that will alter the batting rotation of the Designated Hitter. Once the game pitcher is switched from the mound to a defensive position this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. Once a pinch hitter bats for any player in the batting order and then enters the game to pitch, this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. Once the game pitcher bats for the Designated Hitter this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. (The game pitcher may only pinch hit for the Designated Hitter). Once a Designated Hitter assumes a defensive position this move shall terminate the Designated Hitter role for the remainder of the game. A substitute for the Designated Hitter need not be announced until it is the Designated Hitter's turn to bat.

the pitcher could hit, but pitchers being highly paid , they don't want them running the bases or getting hurt batting.ching min wang of the Yankees basically ruined his career tripping over 2nd base as I recall.never came back to being a star

no, the DH can only replace the pitcher, at least at the start of the game

Not too many great hitting pitchers, so good ones, quite few fair one's but no greats-last one was Wes Ferrell.

If you were to get a great hitting pitcher, but you are in the AL, could you have the DH hit for someone else in the field, so the pitcher could hit?