> Long term effects of rear naked choke?

Long term effects of rear naked choke?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Yes, i am with KW on this one. A blood choke such as a rear naked choke is one which slows down the intake and outtake of blood to the brain. It does not hurt the body immediately, it is simply a safety mechanism of the body to shut itself down before damage is done.

If you continue to hold the choke then the person will more than likely die before they end up with brain damage. so it is definitely not something that should be done unless in a controlled environment with qualified people.

When the choke is released then the body goes back to pumping blood as normal and the brain begins to function as normal. the reason why the body acts slowly for a short while after wards and why it does not respond properly is because the damaged cells are being resupplied with healing blood cells. Once it has healed the body functions normally once again. Therefore the damage is repairable.

Brain damage.

Did you ever try calling the cops on this guy before you had to choke him out?

The long term effect is brain damage, you should not be doing chokes holds unsupervised

Loss of Consciousness

Brain damage


About a year ago I choked my neighbor out. I am not trained and I was reading about jow dangerous choking is. I never realized it so now im freaking out. The other neighbor had to carry him to his house and he fell on the way in. He told him it took about 10 mins from the time I let go to feel normal again.

Before you judge me, I tried to avoid fighting him for over a year. He is a crazy gang member who was stabbed 11 times in another fight but still won the fight even though he almost died later. He would harass my girlfriend, tried to fight my brother in law and my dad. He finally pushed me too far one day so I let him have it and let go when he asked. I felt like I was fighting for my life and was a bloody mess by the end of the fight so I did what I had to do the first chance I got