> Kids Brazilian Ju Juitsu belt test?

Kids Brazilian Ju Juitsu belt test?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You are not at a legitimate training academy.

Firstly no BJJ academy promotes this quickly and secondly there are only 4 stripes in BJJ and normally the first belt takes between 4-6 months to earn for children.

Also you do not have to pay money to earn a stripe and i have not ever been to any academy that charges to grade its belts because the IBJJF and Gracie Academies do not charge for the promotion.

This is a money grab from your academy and sounds like a McDojo

OUCH! That's a lot of money and reeks of a money maker rather than a school interested in the students actually learning something. If you took off all the belts could you tell a difference between the ranks of the kids From one stripe to the next and even one color to the next? If not, what do you expect your daughter to learn in this school? I would reevaluate her training. One thing is for sure, I have come across a lot of Mcdojo but 12 ranks/stripes between each color is excessive. That is 24 ranks alone in two colors. Any school with more than 10 ranks to black belt (even in the kids ranks) needs careful consideration, especially if there is a testing fee.

That doesn't sound good to be honest. I mean it could be a way to just keep the kids interested but I think that is too many belts. You aren't paying for each grading are you? If you are get out of there now.

Warning!!! If this is for real then you are into a big time ripoff. Get out now!


It should not really matter good luck.

My 6 year old daughter has been in BJJ for 1 month now and is going to have a belt test this week. How often should I let her take belt tests? It seems for a white belt there are 6 stripes before moving up to a grey belt, so im assuming she needs to take the 1 test per month? It seems like allot of testing and allot of stripes, the grey belts and up all have 12 stripes. Do kids ever get more then 1 stripe after a test? What do the belt tests usually consist of?