> Keyboard Warrior?

Keyboard Warrior?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I like about half of what I hear from KW and the other half I just disregard. I don't see why people get all butt-hurt about it...If you don't agree with what he says, just ignore it and move on. I completely agree with him when it comes to sparring and live drills...But I think that he's somewhat foolish when it comes to TMA. Some of the best fighters I know are people who are based in mcdojo heavy styles like TKD. Anyway, yeah he likes to ruffle feathers, but letting him ruffle your feathers is the childish thing to do. Take the good and ignore the bad.

I'm gonna stick up for him on this one. Let's face it,everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what they think is a good/bad martial art. This site was pretty much designed so people could have freedom of expression and contradict/debate other people's view. Oh and there is a bit of serious question answering I suppose...

I respect the fact that KW isn't afraid to voice his opinions,knowing that he could potentially upset a few karate students.

Or maybe your correct and his has a traumatic experience with karate and holds a vendetta against the sport... but he just don't seem that kind of guy.

Or maybe he really enjoys $hit stirring. Either way I find him pretty funny at times. Hopefully he answers this himself,be interesting to see what he says.

Becareful bro, i asked a similar question though loads of people answered on their opinions and KW shared... But 2 days later my account got suspended because of how many reports i got. The question unfortunately got deleted or i would share a link and the account i asked on is now unusable. Apparently people dislike KW so much they dont like the ppl who ask questions about him lol.

I wish my question hadn't gotten delete..

He did some type of karate when

He was a kid, didnt work out for him apparently.

kw doesnt even know what karate is he still thinks chinese kempo is karate,

news flash for you kw chinese kempo is kung fu, not karate. so either you trained in a make believe style or at a mcdojo. karate is okinawan. usually places that use that in one full term are mcdojo's they have no linage and little foundation.

so did you train kung fu for ten years or karate?

besides in a real school what yoiu learn as a kid is different then an adult.

if you claim to have trained at a real dojo then what is the linage?

as for your kata remark, if you didnt learn to use kata in sparing then you never understood kata.

As for full contact, you did claimed to have trained as a child, why would anyone teach full contact to kids. Would you want your kids to be covered in blood when they came back from class every time, plus the risk of concussions to them. It's only suppose to be a kids class.

edit:>gee kw 3 seconds after you answered i get 3 thumbs down thanks for them.

american kempo karate is Not chinese kempo karate. is it difficult to understand chinese kempo is not karate, it is kung fu. if you think it is then you dont know what you took then,

i dont have to discredit you you discredit yourself. you cant even decide what you took.

and you still didnt answer my question was it kung fu you took or karate?

I don't know KW personally or otherwise. I see his posts here and it is apparent that he doesn't mind stirring the pot, but I wouldn't regard him as a troll. While I disagree with him more than I agree with him, one cannot argue against the way someone feels; his opinions are based on his own experiences, of which, he'll have to answer what they may be himself. I do, though, dislike how some of what he says consists of gross generalizations and misconceptions, but like I mentioned, he seems to be reacting to what he has experienced.

You wouldn't be phishing for info now would you? Or trying to draw attention and solicitations to him? Because that would be called spamming and there are rules against that on Y/A.

How about you get it from him yourself rather than stir up gossip? That way you get the story straight since that is what you claim you want and not just someone's opinion and then you can draw actually your own conclusions if he is right or wrong.

I have gotten to know KW personally since I first started posting regularly in this section a couple of years ago. He's a good guy that occasionally likes to ruffle feathers. I don't think he'd want to go into a striking match with a Kyokushin Black Belt. With that said, most Karateka don't train the way a Kyokushin Karateka does. KW, and myself for that matter, believe in live sparring with real contact. In the form of a metaphor, we both perpetuate the philosophy that one can't learn to swim without getting in the water. This has proven to be true in just about every situation you could possibly think of and I have not yet found it to be false when applied to the martial arts.

I can also tell you that KW is not anti-striking. He chooses grappling because it's what he enjoys, but believes in good striking as well. Karate is an art that has been so deluded since its spread to Western nations that it is hard to find any form of it that is still legitimately worth the time. Is there good Karate out there? Undoubtedly yes, but you're about as likely to find it outside of Japan as you are likely to find a Blue Whale beached in the middle of Tennessee. It's unfortunate, but that is what McDojos and fraudulent teachers have done to the style here in the United States and I can't blame anybody for avoiding the style altogether to avoid bad training.

Ah here we go again lol, last time i said that on a KW question, i got accused of been a Nazi and racist because apparently he is, from one user's perspective? go figuire!

Last time i looked i was a Maori and he was part Hispanic bahaha

Yes he pisses people off, i dont agree with half the stuff he post..... but he is entertaining !!

I want to know his background, because I see him saying Karate sucks. Or any striking art for that matter is bad. Idc if he hates karate, but what's the story? Is he just really delusional? He says kata is useless, but there are applications in the kata like throws and take downs (something taught in juijistu, I would think). I wouldn't go as far as saying he's stupid. He's resourceful for BJJ & MMA but what the hell?

Did he get ripped off by a karate school then thought that every karate school and every style was bad? What kind of thinking is that? I'm not saying he's a bad person, but he may drop misinformation. In no way do I hate him, I just disagree. At least he's not a troll. Please, from both spectrum, don't be rude, no name calling either. I know you may hate him, but come on.