> Judo or karate which one is better?

Judo or karate which one is better?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Judo is mainly a grappling or wrestling style, while Karate is mainly a striking or boxing style. Striking styles are more efficient and can be applied more effectively after a shorter time of study. I would suggest starting with Karate and once you master it in a few years, you can study Judo, if you like. I see some people on here who mindlessly utter that no style is better than the others. That is an oversimplification. Styles are quite different, so some MUST be better than the others. Only a genius who is capable of learning many styles well can really answer such a question properly. Some people do not answer the question but evade answering. I say start with Karate, and you may not wish to study Judo once you master it.

The difference between a Judo throw and a Karate throw is at least five years of grabbing people who are excellent at throwing in their own right and throwing them to the ground or getting thrown to the ground because they grabbed someone more able and skilled then they are.

The difference between Judo striking and Karate striking is at least five years spent trying to hit people who are excellent strikers themselves or getting beaten down in the attempt.

The question to ask isn't which one is better it's which would you rather spend your days doing, getting thrown on your bu++ or getting hit?

No martial art is better than another they are all excellent for there purpose judo for a smaller person to disarm subdue a larger attacker and karate a hand to hand combat system,try both (most schools offer trials) talk to the black belts ask questions see which you like better

What do you want to do?

Grappling then do Judo?

Striking and some grappling then do Karate

Both are good

Lots of college martial art clubs are mcdojos. Your better off looking for one off campus. Watch the class though. You don't want to end up in another mcdojo. Do both if time permits though

I am thinking about taking a class on one of them

What is the difference.

Which is better for self defense?

Which is easier to learn?

By the way my college is giving karate classes. Are they any good?