I don't think so because people still seem hellbent on watching a crap product. I stopped watching years ago because it's just not good anymore. I can't watch three hours of crap on the off chance I'll see a good match. I just won't do that. But people do for some reason and they know it. No, they're not listening to the fans but it doesn't matter because again they keep watching. Granted Raw is getting 1/4 the viewers it used to but it's enough to support the company and Vince doesn't want to change how he does business so it's not going to get better anytime soon. I suspect. When things start to get better they just go back to crap soon enough so it's not worth it anymore. It's actually killed my love of the show overall. I just don't even want to watch the good stuff anymore. It's too bad too. And then when Stephanie gets into power it won't be any better. She's just Vinnie Mac 2.0 to be honest. I'm just done with the whole thing, honestly. I watch a classic match here and there and I may or may not watch some stuff on WWE Network on streaming sites (not admitting to anything, ahem) but that's it. They've lost me and until they have to start playing bingo halls they see no reason to change.
One less-than-enthusiastic Wrestlemania isn't going to sink the entire company.
It sucks that there is such a lack of build up, drama and intensity, but what are you hoping to accomplish by b*tching about it? If you hate WWE so badly, then simply quit watching it. You're ruining it for those of us who know how to still enjoy pro wrestling, even if it doesn't meet our *exact* specific demands. Don't be a baby.
everything you said is true. the WWe Network subs drop to the norm of 600,000 after WM31 and the people have to look forward to Roman Reigns as champion for 3 months! so unless there are some new markets WWE is going to open the WWE Network will never ever reach the 2 million sub mark
Amen brother.
watching WWE is such a classic example of "Battered Wife Syndrome." they keep abusing the fans but they keep coming back no matter what. at some point the fans need to wisen up and stop watching. better yet, take their business elsewhere.
Lucha Underground, ROH, and indy wrestling are all awesome! TNA just needs to get their s*** together. then again they continue to make the same terrible mistakes repeatedly. that's beside the point though.
It's fake
I got a feeling you are right but people still watch so nothing will change.