> Is this a mcdojo or legit?

Is this a mcdojo or legit?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 

i would add to johns list that krav maga does not have a belt ranking system

I agree with those that said mcdojo based upon what I see in the website.

It focus is clearly on fitness and children.

The guy started training in 93 and 5 years later knows enough to open his very own school? I'm not saying this can't happen. But it is unlikely for most. There is just marketing on his website. Clearly they are only there to make a profit. I'm not anti profit, but I do not believe there will be quality instruction that will produce students that can defend themselves if attacked. This is just my opinion.

Yes, I think it is. A few reasons:

No prices, no schedules listed. That tells me one thing. The tactic here is that you have to go down there to view a training. If you are inexperienced then you will be impressed by what you see and you will pay. Weather it is good or not.

If you click on one of the links you will see that this has indeed nothing to do with krav maga or self defense at all. They are interested in burning fat as they say on their page. This is a fitness club that uses krav maga to lure people in. The main goal here is to advertise to over weight people, which there are plenty of, and to make them pay money.

Again this has absolutely nothing to do with krav maga, fighting, self defense or anything like that. This is a classic McDojo, in my opinion.

I can not find affiliation for this location with either Krav Maga Alliance, or Krav Maga Worldwide. Both of these associations are directly linked to the creator of Krav Maga, Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld), through their founders John Whitman and Darren Levine, as well as to the IDF in Israel.

If you click into the webpage there is an image of a woman, being choked from the side, throwing an elbow strike at her attacker's chin. There are at least a few things wrong with this representation...

1) In the manner in which he is choking her he would have had to reach under her right arm to get a hold of her neck in that position. This would be unusual unless her arm was already raised above her shoulder, which would lead to a different defensive technique than the one presented.

2) While she is striking she has done nothing to address the threat of being choked, by plucking at the base of his right hand where the thumb meets the wrist with a "Monkey Paw" hand. Without addressing the immediate threat, striking a stronger opponent may simply cause them to become even more aggressive and increase pressure on the throat resulting in a quicker "choke-out".

This one image indicates to me that this may not be a legitimate training center for the KM system.

Another indicator is a lack of videos that allow viewing of actual classes and real time, full speed defense demonstrations to show actual executions of KM.

Additionally,although there are other KM associations this facility may be connected to, they do not list any reference to a "parent" organization, nor do they list any information regarding locations of actual KM training of any of their instructors in their biographies.

This is NOT a facility I would go to based on what I have seen here.

If you are truly interested in KM training please go to http://www.KravMagaAlliance.com and search for an affiliate in your area.

If they do not have a location that is convenient enough you can also try http://www.kravmagaworldwide.com

Either of these associations should be able to refer you to a legitimate training center.

Doubtful. No where does the webpage mention where the instructors trained or are certified by IKMF (International Krav Maga Federation) or have any affiliation with any known KM associations.

it's legit Krav Maga is one of the most dedicated martial arts out there if it was just about money there would be one across The Globe My DoJang TaeKwondo version of dojo is a low profit school because its 40 a month and most money goes to new gear and training bags

I agree with John.

Everything he mention is on point.

Good catch, John.

That is why there are people who swear by the many frauds out there. They prey on those with no experience. These are people who have no prior training so they have no way to measure the authenticity of an art, style or teacher.

They need a girl in a bikini on their web page to get your attention? Come on!!!!!! That alone should make it reason enough for any serious martial artist not to waste their time.
