> Is there any practical reason to learn to fight?

Is there any practical reason to learn to fight?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You won't always have your knife. It could get knocked out of your hand or taken away. Or it might not be suitable for all situations. Knives are by definition lethal weapons; what if you just need to restrain someone who's being disorderly, but not life-threatening? There are plenty of reasons, but those two are the most obvious. I'd also add, how much training do you have with a knife? Probably none at all. There are some systems that will teach you knife fighting, but that aside, some of the empty-hand skills you pick up (footwork, evasion, balance, etc) can help you with knife fighting.

A simple knife can get you cut or killed. Most people that have a weapon lose their weapon and their weapon is used on them.

Using your knife will like land you in prison if you aren't killed with your own knife.

Can you get your knife out in time if attacked? The answer is not likely.

Do you have any training on how to use a knife? Not likely.

Do you have it in you to use deadly force? Not likely. If you don't you will likely lose your knife in a fight and have it used on you.

Yes, for self-defense. Even with that knife, you should take training to learning offensive and defensive moves while wielding a knife. Same thing with ANY weapon. Without training you could be easily disarmed and the weapon used against you.

Firstly a knife in most countries' laws gives you a lot of trouble if you carry it openly. If you actually did use it hurt someone even if they are the ones that started the problem...it's pretty hard to justify that openly in court.

A knife is hard to control. Unless you live in a knife culture and has so much experience....it's going to be a 'lethal weapon' where the only level of force justifiable is when your life is in danger. A quarrel in a bar and it's gonna be an overkill that potentially take away a life necessarily, bring post traumatic stress to you and the victim's families.

Worst...it's very possible that they can wrestle the knife off you if they've got more than one in number, or attack early.

However...let me end by saying that you actually do raise an interesting question. To some extend....this question is very much like do you have to join the police or soldier to be brave and responsible? Do you need to join this and that beliefs to be a good person? Though MA is like the tool in a car that's helpful in the event of a break down.

in most cases learning to fight for the sake of fighting is pointless. I teach Karate and am honest about this fact. The reason to train includes that there is a slim chance that you might need it one day but even better, In my lineage, most people live long healthy lives maintaining all their functions.


>> As a civilized person is there a reason to learn to fight?

Do you believe a criminal such as a murderer, rapist, mugger, etc. is civilize or care anything about civility? Do you think someone like that is going to said, "Oh, wait. I'm being uncivilized so I'll stop being a criminal."?

>> A simple knife would probably protect me from any would be attackers or a CHL.

I know of no state where the CHL is for a knife. And since the uncivilized criminal also has no problem using a gun, you would be as the old saying goes: bring a knife to a gunfight.

>>I like fighting but I have a hard time justifying actually learning how to.

Makes no sense. How do you justify NOT defending your parents, sibling, girlfriend, wife, child, significant other if their lives are in danger? Is not doing all you can to preserve their lives an act of a civilized person?

The martial arts are self defense systems. When people hear "fight", most everyone invoke thoughts of a slug match, or something dragging on while two people play around and hitting each other. There is a difference between learning to fight and learning self defense.

A self defense situation is not one that means "testing" or "feeling out" your opponent, and occasionally trying to hit him. That's sport. Self defense is training to instinctual react in order to end a confrontation the moment it begins. That is the purpose of the martial arts.

i bet i could disarm you of your knife. then you have nothing.. Yes there is a need to be able to defend yourself. A weapon is a poor choice because knowledge is the best weapon you can have and with this you can disarm almost anyone.

As a person who trains in both weapons and empty hand even with a weapon you need training. It's a folly to think that owning a weapon is an automatic protection, because untrained person will fail in deploying the weapon at the time of ambush and will farther fail to operate the weapon correctly under stress. A constant training is needed in the draw and more mechanical weapons such as folder knife or a gun more training on the draw and the operation of the weapon.

As a civilized person is there a reason to learn to fight? A simple knife would probably protect me from any would be attackers or a CHL. I like fighting but I have a hard time justifying actually learning how to.

And what will you do when your attacker pulls out a bigger knife, or there is more then one of them that have weapons.

Beside callsigns commit about not always being able to carry a knife or have it with you. Most states have laws about knives and even if you use it in self defense you can be arrested for possession. What will you do in jail when you don't have your knife

Well, fighting someone is stupid and someone wanting to fight a random person is very common. Learning how to fight can help you in a situation where someone wants to punch you.