> Is there a way I can learn nunchaku online?

Is there a way I can learn nunchaku online?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
They wont ship to New York. No place will ship anywhere that the weapon is illegal to buy. They online sites are subject to the same laws as the state they are selling in.

And you are wrong about learning nunchaku in New York, You can teach the weapon using the form or plastic version. I live in ny and teach that same weapon as well as almost every teach I have had for the past 30 years. There are a number of places that teach it.

And you cant learn from youtube, especially nunchaku, its more then just wildly swinging the weapon in the air nunchaku is a grappling and striking weapon, as well as a more advance weapon.

If you think you can learn without an instructor you are only fooling yourself, if you think nunchaku is just swing a weapon in the air you are fooling yourself and no one else.

It is not an overuse expression. It is the truth. If you want to learn correctly you need an instructor. You are going to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. You need the instructor there to see, evaluate and correct as well as teach. Books and videos do not teach martial arts. They can not correct or offer suggestion for corrections. You need a qualified person to do that. Videos and books are to compliment what you are being taught by an instructor. You will miss so much of doing the techniques correctly without a teacher.


The girl in the video is not using the weapon correctly. and she is supposed to be the teacher. Someone that know the weapon will easily take it from her and use it against her. If she actually hits a target she will hit herself with the weapon. She don't even know what the weapon is called.She is only twirling it.

Personally I don't believe you can learn anything useful in martial arts alone so the best you're going to get learning the nunchucku alone is some flashy twirling routines. Nunchucku are a weapon for defending, locking and hitting so to learn their use properly you need someone to attack you, someone to catch and trap and something to hit.


I live in New York so theres really no way I can get taught how to use this weapon. Aside from youtube tutorials I've been looking up nunchaku kata on youtube and trying to do it myself. (by the way I don't have real nunchaku, just padded, unlethal ones I bought on amazon) Im not looking for the overused answer "You can't learn without a sensei" I don't have the means to travel to japan and learn it. Any idea on what else I can do to learn? Doesn't have to be online, books, whatever. Looking forward to your answers!