> Is learning muay thai safe?

Is learning muay thai safe?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
So what if you get beat, you should be learning how to take a hit anyways. It prepares you. Now getting hit and getting beat up r different things. You should not be getting badly injured, injuries happen often in a real martial arts class but not like the ones your "bully" thinks you'll be receiving. Bruises are common, mabe some sore muscles. Blindness tho, thats a rare case.

First of all, you never tip your hand, and tell your bully that you are training.

Second, why are you listening to him?

Its safe you have to have conditioned shins or wear shin gaurds mouthpeice headgear groin protector when u spar ive never got injured u dont go all out u keep it tecniqual. If u start twins or fairtext best brand or everlast ul learn to use 8 points of body and if hes bullying get help bullies suck i got bullied in elemantry school if he smacks u get help or smack him back sorry this is long

Don't be such a sook.

Fighting isn't safe so if you're trying to learn how to fight there's a good chance the lessons won't be 100% safe either.

I used to do Karate, Training in the martial arts is good for many things, self defence, fitness and self confidence. I cannot speak for the Muai Tai training. But in karate you will trained in the basics I.E warm up exercises and then basic moves your first kata and its application over a few weeks and you will do your grading's, and at a certain belt you will be taught how to spar with others by this time your confidence will be a lot better you will be able to take a punch or two . Don't worry as for this bully he only said what he said to try and stop you from learning to defend yourself. Don't let him!

im being beat up by bullies and i decided to take muay thai to protect myself so they don't mess with me but one of my bullies laughed when i told him he said that in training there going to beat me up and in sparring there going to punch me in the eye which he said can easily cause me to go blind then he said im an idiot for considering it because its dangerous then he smacked me in the face and stormed off was he telling the truth i fell scared now or was he lying ?