> Is it possible that the UFC is rigged?

Is it possible that the UFC is rigged?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
I understand your reasoning, but it's not. This is a very high level of competition, it's not as easy as it sounds to just blast down elbows on a guy without gassing yourself out, or using head movement to dodge every punch (some UFC fighters can like Anderson Silva). Even after constant head movement, you get tired real quick, especially if you're ducking and dodging. Plus, I train with UFC fighters like Sam Stout and Mark Hominick at Adrenaline Training Centre and believe me from personal experience, when you see those guys, you can tell that stuff isn't rigged. Hope this helps you understand a little bit better.

Of course there are unwritten rules and of course it is made for entertainment. What idiot would pin an opponent face up time and time again anyway so they can fight back? There is no entertainment pinning your opponent face down and wailing on him. The entertainment is in giving your opponent a chance to recover.

BTW you haven't tried this moving thing with the hands tied behind your back with your girlfriend or any other girl willing to nail you, have you?

Whenever there is a professional sport and even in amateur sport there is always the possibility of corruption.

But let's get back to you having more than 10 years of mma experience...and you are only 21...LOL You also have 7 or 8 years of krav maga...lol Really? Are we supposed to fall for this?

exciting fighters make more money. constantly moving your head and avoiding the fight(e.x clay guida) isn't exciting. and you make your mount plan sound so simple what happens when he bucks and your off balance keep hitting and lose position? i don't think so. skilled fighters don't just let you beat them up. also it's a chess match it isn't like krav maga where you are to act as if you are in imminent danger when using it. it isn't rigged to be entertaining it is supposed to be, why do you think there is a knockout fight and submission of the night.

No,do you even pay attention to the fighters?

Look at Wanderlai Silva's face for example,it looks like a mushroom.

Of course it's possible. But it's highly un-probable. In other words I doubt it.

Now like most sports, there is probably some limited favoritism, but that can't be avoided in any activity with humans. Overall though, I'm betting it isn't any more or any less than any other sport.

Aaaaaaaand your question is..?

No immature bashing please. This is my honest opinion. I have over a decade of MMA experience under my belt. I am 21 years old and in that decade have been practicing Krav Maga for roughly 7 or 8 years. Something that my sparring buddies and I were talking about is the lack of head movement and effective close range strikes in UFC. If you are in a full mount, there is almost no way to stop powerful elbows from breaking through your opponent's guard. I've used this method countless times and it never fails. Guard is up while I'm in mount? Time to rain elbows until you are unconscious. So why do they never do this in UFC? And where is the head movement? It takes little to no effort to constantly move your head during the entire fight. The point of moving your head constantly is so that you don't have to REACT to strikes, because you are already moving. You simply redirect your head movement in whatever direction makes sense. Try this... tie your hands behind your back and give a friend some boxing gloves. Tell him to try and hit you in your face for the next minute and a half. DO NOT STOP MOVING YOUR HEAD. Bob and weave around imaginary punches and if you're athletic at all you WILL dodge every strike that he/she throws and if not, you will roll with it and it will not affect you.

So what gives? Every fight I see there is no head movement. There is never more than one or two combinations thrown at a given time. The more I watch UFC the more I can't help but think that their is some sort of scam business going on. It's as if the trainers are training the fighters to ENTERTAIN, not be effective. I've been in all sorts of fights, scheduled and unscheduled, in the ring and out. There is little to no difference. I end my fights within the first 15 seconds or my opponent does. I find it hard to believe that me and my buddies are the greatest fighters in the world...