> Is being skinny passed on?

Is being skinny passed on?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
why is this in baseball?

don't have kids and you won't have a skinny problem to raise.

Being skinny runs in the family, claim researchers. Children whose parents are thin are likely to be very slim themselves due to ‘skinny genes’. A new study found children with thinner parents are three times more likely to be thin than children whose parents are overweight.

It has long been recognised that obesity runs in families, partly because multiple types of ‘fat’ genes can be inherited by children.

But research into the genetic factors helping to make people slim has been thinner on the ground, claim scientists at University College London.

The latest study recorded the height and weight of parents and up to two children aged two to 15 years from 7,000 families over a five-year period.

This was used to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) of the different family members, which is ranked on a scale showing whether people have a healthy weight or not.

A healthy BMI is 18.5 to 24.9 while the ‘overweight’ range is 25 to 29.9, and clinical obesity is 30 and above. The results showed a ‘strong association’ between children’s and parents’ body size, with the strongest predictor of the child’s thinness being the shape of the parents.

When both parents were at the lower half of the ideal BMI range, the chance of the child being thin was 16.2 per cent, compared with 7.8 per cent when both parents were in the upper half.

These children had a BMI of 18.5 or under, which is regarded as ‘thin.

The study found the chance of a child being thin with a BMI of less than 18.5 was just 5.3 per cent when both parents were overweight and only 2.5 per cent for children whose parents were obese.

The study, published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found almost six per cent of the children in the study were classified as thin under international criteria, that would probably lead to a BMI less than 18.5 in adulthood.

The findings suggest thinness may be inherited, with children of thinner parents being likely to be genetically predisposed to a lower body weight.

There were no differences in the influence of the mother’s or the father’s weight on thinness in a child, and no sex differences - neither boys nor girls tended to be thinner.

The researchers concluded ‘These results are consistent with the idea that many cases of thinness are likely to represent the low end of the healthy distribution of weight and, as such, are likely to have a primarily genetic origin.’

Lead author Dr Katriina Whitaker, from University College London's department of epidemiology and public health, said it was the first time that inter-generational transmission of thinness had been investigated.

She said ‘We know from other studies that children's weights are correlated with those of their parents, but previous research has tended to focus on obesity rather than the other end of the spectrum.’

Professor Jane Wardle, from the same unit, said if a child is thin and the parents are also thin, there may be no cause for concern about the weight and health of the youngsters.

She said ‘Parents are often concerned if their child is thin, but it may just be their 'skinny genes'.

‘All genes have two versions, called alleles.

‘We might think of weight-related genes as having a 'skinny' and 'curvy' allele.

‘Thinner parents are likely to have more of the skinny alleles, increasing the chance of passing them on to their children.

‘A child who inherits more of the skinny alleles from their parents will be naturally thinner.’


Yes! But I think that's only if you're skinny when you're having sex and get pregnant. I'm not really sure though.

Yes, just like fat genes are passed on..

I'm 5'9 about 110 pounds, my boyfriend is about 6'4" 160 pounds. We are both pretty skinny. My friends have always brought up how skinny we are and how we are going to have skinny children. Anyways I wouldn't like that. I want my kids to be athletic! Me and my boyfriend both play college sports and I think we made it so far just because we are so competitive! Lol so can somebody help me :)