> Is avoiding a fight really winning?

Is avoiding a fight really winning?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Depends on what your goal is.

Getting violent because someone flipped you off in traffic could lead to death (yours or his), arrest, and a reputation as an unstable person. Avoiding the situation also avoids all of that.

My main goal in life is to only deal with stressors that are unavoidable and necessary. Going to jail is completely avoidable under most circumstances. So is killing someone, or risking death. Or, more likely, having injuries that I'll have to explain to my boss, or people I respect who might look down on me for foolishly getting into an avoidable confrontation.

As far as I'm concerned, living a stress-free life is "winning". If I go to jail, I lose. If I bust my hand and can't work, I lose. If my friends and family don't want to spend time with me because I'm a violent hot-head, I lose.

So how do YOU define, "winning"? Maybe you'd prefer a reputation as opposed to having people feel safe around you. Maybe you'd prefer to feed your ego as opposed to getting a respectable job (a criminal record makes that harder, you know). If that's what you value, fine. Take a swing at a guy who was not a physical threat. Hope that he isn't a better fighter. Hope that the police don't get involved. Hope you don't get injured. Hope he doesn't pull a knife. Hope that ten years down the road, you won't realize what a stupid decision that was.

I do know that not avoiding a fight is definitely losing for both parties.

Not everything is always winning or losing and winning can mean many things depending how you define a win. If a win to you is only measured in how many hits and your rule is the person with the most hits wins then you would have to engage in the confrontation. But I think a real win includes many other things like such as control, emotions, responsibility, good character than just keeping score. You should never compromise any of your values and trade them for the cheap chance to get in more blows on someone.

Yes. You did the right thing. This is not worth getting into an altercation over. It is a lose lose situation. The best thing to do is drive away. I do not think nobody normally would go out of the way to chase you. If they do they are a real sociopath who needs serious help. You should never ever leave your vehicle in a situation like this. There will be no good coming out of it. You could end up hurt or even worst case scenario killed. You could have a lawsuit against you and end up in jail with criminal or legal charges pending. If you have a family imagine what this will do to them.

Ok lets think this through. You step outside of the car to fight.

4 possible outcomes:

1. You fight, you kick has @ss you go home, you have something to brag about to your friends and a week later it's all but forgotten and then life continues like always.

2. You fight, you win someone calls the police and you get arrested. Life does not continue like always.

3. You fight, you lose you, you potentially get hurt, you go to the hospital and the guy goes home.

4. You fight, you lose, he goes to jail, maybe even you and you have a long BS process over a fight because some guy flipped you the bird.

Same potential outcomes applies to him. So let me ask you, out of these potential outcomes which one is really worth it?

The choice that results in no one getting hurt is the winning one. Sounds like kindergarten logic but it's true! The best way any situation can go is when both parties walk away unharmed. You did the right thing. Walking away the bigger person, the one who is level headed and the one with self control is winning IMO.

Yes it is. If someone saw that happen and saw you just ignore it and leave the situation, the man who put his finger up at you now looks like the idiot. You removed yourself from the situation instead of lowering yourself to his level and reacting back.

Some people simply like attention and they aren't clever enough to realise that they can get that attention by doing good, so they just do bad. Negative attention is still attention, right?

Who would be the more mature man:

A: Some guy talked junk to me, flicked me the bird, so now I have to try to fight him over some petty nonsense....


B: Some guy talked junk to me, flicked me the bird, and I walk off/drive off thinking "Lol, what a DA, a waste of my time and a waste of life". And go on about your day with a smile on your face.?

flipping the birdie in effect is relieving some tension

ive done it plenty of times full knowing it can cause an altercation

but im bi polar and ready to defend myself if need be

worse case scenario is u break the guys elbow and plead self defense in

a court of law , after 9 months ofre flecting in the slammer your back

on the streets

Just ignore them. It's because you're driving. They're probably drunk or stuff. Focus on the road

Is getting shot by someone with road-rage winning? Is getting in trouble with the law and wasting tens of thousands of your hard earned dollar winning? Is wasting time on idiots winning? What do you get out of it by confronting someone like that?

1) Getting kill is not winning.

2) The average cost of retaining a lawyer is over $40,000. That is before you guys ever set foot in a courtroom. Win or lose, you have to pay up.

3) Every second that passes is time you will NEVER get back. Why waste it on a nobody?

People cause trouble because they can and they don't care how they live their life. They have no sense of honor, integrity, much less common sense. They live empty lives devoid of any beauty and joy, so they seek ugliness and anger.

Shall i just walk away or drive away if there's someone swearing at me for no reason.

i was driving and some man put his middle finger up to me. I ignored it and drove off?

why do people cause trouble?

uhm in my opinion its best to walk away in most situations.. if someone is threatending u or being a bully I thank they deserve an *** kicking... if a strangers just talking **** o well let em talk man who cares...

Winning, You have an ego problem, if you think everything comes down to winning.

When my son was in elementary school, I gave him the OK to defend himself when need be. He did and served detention and suspensions when that occurred. Once he entered junior high he was singled out by one of the bullies he fought in elementary school. I told him to lay low and not fight him... The theory was that in junior high kids who get into fights don't get suspended, they go to juvenile hall, sure enough the kid that bullied him got caught picking on some kid and they were sent to juvenile hall, then afterwards sent to some other school for troubled youth. Now my son is in highschool and he heard that "Robert" that same bully is now serving prison time for burglary. You should use your mind, not your ego... Winning isn't always the correct response.

No not at all. If someone physically provokes you, you should defend yourself at all times! FACT!

while not realy winning, getting into the fight is stupid.