> Is Nelson Cruz on steroids again?

Is Nelson Cruz on steroids again?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
He never got off them.

I know this question has already been answered and has a best answer but I just wanted to state my opinion. Yes, it's pretty obvious. Nelson Cruz has never put up those kind of numbers in his career especially this far into the season. Was he a good ball player before he used steroids? Yes! And that's what's so sad is that he was a good ball player and then ruined his career by taking steroids. I hate to say it but I can't wait until he gets caught again and then kicked out of baseball. He deserves it.

That explains why that little **** is ahead of EE in home runs. WAKE UP MLB management!

Plot twist: Every pro athlete is on steroids. Why? Because testings don';t work, they call them IQ tests meaning that if you fail them, you are stupid. Cycling has the hardest tests by far in the sport world and yet they all pass them (Lance was doing it for 10 years, never tested positive). If they don't dope they won't cope. But with so much money and pride on the line, it is normal to go for extra help, the goal is to win by any means necessary and everyone is on the same page.

Size is not the only benefit of the PEDs. Below you have mister Armstrong on tons of gear: