> Is Manny Ramirez Hall of Fame?

Is Manny Ramirez Hall of Fame?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Steroid Hall of Fame

No the Hall of Fame ≠ Manny Ramirez.

No and for many reasons. Besides using PEDs his biggest problem was not respecting the game. He quit on his teammates on several occasions. He was a quitter. He doesn't deserve to be in the hall.

Once you get branded as a PED user you've basically ruined your chances for a bid in the HOF. It's a shame because he didn't really need the juice.

Nope! Not unless he creates his own with the likes of Barry Bonds,

A-Rod, Sammy Sosa, Roger Clemens, Ryan Braun and.......

Considering his suspected PED use and the way he used alienate sportswriters I would say it's not likely.

He should be because of his numbers but probably won't be because of PED's.

If I had a vote he'd certainly get it.

No also he took steroids. He was my favorite Red Sox player to watch.

Yes, IMO
