> Is Brock Lesnar the baddest mother****er on the planet?

Is Brock Lesnar the baddest mother****er on the planet?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
He is...This dude is sending people to Suplex City and he destroys everything in sight. And he's probably the most gifted athlete ever.


He's the baddest ************ on the planet, but he's not The Rock.

In WWE yes, on the planet maybe one of the baddest.

Real bad. He loses his title then beats up some announcers and a cameraman. Yep, that's bad.

Yeah boi

But he couldn't make a football team

He will take them all to suplex city *****, so yes, he is a bad mother ******.

well in WWE yes. Don Frye is god.

Glad you like him.