> Instructors vs Teachers. What's the difference to you?

Instructors vs Teachers. What's the difference to you?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Stole this off another forum, but feel it is a good question to post here.

Interested in what you people have to say about this.


To me an instructor shows you techniques, a teacher will make you understand them even if it takes the student a little longer to catch on the teacher will go over it as many times as it takes for the student to understand.

A teacher has a little more of a mentor role than an instructor.

While it is used with the same meaning by a lot of people, if it is to be differentiated, in one quite exaggerated way at list, just to make a point, an instructor can be an ex-marine saying forward, back, right, left, e.t.c while a teacher can be a professor, or a doctor, explaining and teaching martial arts as a form of self-expression in a peace full way and at the same time to be practical and effective.

I am not a fan of describing people according to their professions of course, is quite superficial, but those quite exaggerated examples are understandable by many people, just for understanding, with out really actually categorizing people according to their professions.

In common usage, there is no difference. However, they do meaning different things.

A teacher is someone who educates you on a subject. An instructor is someone who trains you on a specific technical aspect of a topic. An instructor is a sub-class of teachers because obviously they are teaching you when they train you. But a teacher's responsibility is to educate you on the full breath and depth of the subject. The difference is in the scope of the knowledge they impart.

Idk i kind of say the word instructor because that is what the resume states but i like to think of myself as an teacher more than an instructor. I see an instructor as being someone who shows a skill so that you can learn to do it, then moves on to the next skill. I find a teacher is someone who has the patience to be able to explain to you the reasons why, when, how it all works.

A teacher promotes the ability to learn and is prepared to learn from their students where as an instructor is just someone who promotes a instructional take on a skill.

They are synonymous. Any difference is only perceived by the person giving you an answer.

For me, I have a tendency to use "teacher" in an academic setting which covers more broad learning concepts, while instructor is used in settings where the learning is more focused.

Since my moniker is Sifu Frank which means teacher Frank and I call myself a martial arts instructor I would say the terms teacher and instructor are synonyms. There is nuance one or the other as teacher often is used in the academic world where instructor is used more in the physical or mechanical world.

Nothing really... I guess "instructors" tend to teach something physical like a martial art or yoga. "teachers" tend to teach things academic like science or English. apart from that, they're basically the same.

Let me ask you the question why is it they say I should be an instructor or teacher when all the kids always said it was my fault for the violence.

Someone said it best in another bjj forum. "The only difference between a blue belt and a black belt is timing".

Stole this off another forum, but feel it is a good question to post here.

Interested in what you people have to say about this.
