> In japan would they take someone in to learn ninjutsu?

In japan would they take someone in to learn ninjutsu?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
There are schools that claim to have been historically practiced by what we would call "ninja". The biggest one is the Bujinkan; they don't claim to teach ninjutsu, but rather, "Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu". There are also offshoots, the Genbukan and Jeninkan. They will be happy to accept money from Westerners in order to train them.


You haven't really thought this through have you? You do realize that you can only stay for 3 months in Japan at any given time on a tourist visa? You can't just wake up one day and decide that you want to live in Japan. Do you have the money? You'll need A LOT of money.

Sure, but you have to find the secret hide-out first (hidden deep underground within the forest), and then defeat the guardians at the entrance, and then convince the master that you are a worthy student. At that point you have to abandon your previous life completely and become dead to the world, and be reborn with a new identity, with the guild as your new family.

Many have attempted this; few have succeeded. And none who failed ever returned.

Of course they would, but I think you have a different idea about what exactly it entails.

You pay fee's and do your classes, they are not clans of secret super ninjas training assassins and spies, they are schools like any other.

I travel back and forth a lot and go to many workshops and classes while there, as long as you are respectful you are treated like any other student

There is no ninjutsu dojo in japan sorry,they are in only Anime world. But instead there are ones where you can practice judo, kendo or aikido.

Possibly. I truly don't know too much about such things.

Also look into AKBAN Ninjutsu


There is one small school of Koga Ryu under Jinichi Kawakami which some have stated seems to be authentic. There is plenty of information online which you can research regarding him and his school.

ok i know ninjutsu is a challenging martial arts to learn and I know that a lot of dojos in america are frauds. But say if i went to japan and looked for a master would they even teach me or do you have to be born with a certain blood and need to be trained since birth and they dedicate there life to ninjutsu. but say i would dedicate my life and would love to learn would they still take me in no matter the brutality of the training?