> I want to stop being a baseball fan period!?

I want to stop being a baseball fan period!?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
If it makes you happy.

Baseball is a game of failure. The best hitters in baseball get out 7 out of 10 at-bats and there are many other frustrating stats in baseball that make it a tough game to swallow sometime, but I have been a Padre fan since 1974 and will be one as long as I am alive. See, I love baseball and it has nothing to do with MY team winning every year or every 20 years, I love baseball.

So, if it is all about winning for you, and it causes you so much stress, then quit being a fan, but I think you have gone a little far in analyzing things......enjoy the game and don't stress so much.

By the way, Heyward is a decent player, but he isn't all that. I do not believe he is what makes the team good. Atlanta has won their division many times, but they seem to play a different game in the playoffs and I think that is why they lose. Cox was a great manager but couldn't get the team over the top since he seem to change styles when the playoffs began. Let's see what happens this year.

To everyone that is complaining about their teams choking, and that they have not won in a few years. TRY BEING A CUBS FAN.

At least your team has won the World Series before.

I hear you brother we have horrible luck just gotta stick with them and pray for the best heyward may be back for the post season and uggla got his eyes fixed (lets hope that's the problem solved) if only huddy could see us through and Justin upton could keep his trap shut we would be in the NLCS

Nobody cares if you like baseball or not. Stop complaining they have the best record in baseball.

so what, you have to suffer like fans of every other 29 teams. suck it up. my dodgers haven't won since 1988.

Awww. poor widdle baby. do you have a temperature?

Get used to it. The braves are pathetic...always have been always will be.

Sucks. At least you're not a Rangers fan. One out away! Brings tears to my eyes to this day. Effing Cruz!!!!!!!!

I'm a blue jays fan, you lucky bastard.

do whatever period!?.

Because my team the Braves choked every year and will again this year because they lost Heyward. I am sick of being teased by fans of other teams about it. I now just tell people that I hate baseball. It has worked some because I get left alone now about this and I am a happier person ihnoring baseball and pretending it does not exist. What do you think?
