It is best to simply try to develop your own individual potential, rather than trying to copy anyone you may idolize. Our idols have "feet of clay". Bruce Lee is the subject of childish hoaxes that greatly exaggerate his abilities. He never competed in even one adult public martial arts championship. He fought only in movies when he was an adult, and camera tricks can make unskilled men seem to be great martial artists. In a "Matt Helm" movie, Dean Martin beat Chuck Norris. In real life, Mr. Norris would easily win over a sedentary middle-aged man who was notorious for drinking much alcohol. Bruce Lee's actual skills are highly debatable, to phrase it mildly. I am quite skeptical about them. Gene LeBell easily handled Bruce Lee.
Really? What about all of the other great martial artists?
You begin by training in an art. You train hard for years then you get real good. If you're excellent you continue to train and you start studying with masters of many styles. You do this for many more years and become great.
If along the way you have the showmanship and personality you become famous. Only then can you become a legend like Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris.
Aside from the fact that you would have to train an insane amount of hours per day, I'm not sure that Bruce Lee can be replicated. Bruce Lee was in the right place at the right time to be discovered as an Asian film actor. He filled a niche at the time, which was the to be the first great Asian action film star. It's kind of like trying to be the next Jackie Robinson. It can't be done because the color barrier can only be broken once.
Bruce Lee started his martial arts training in his early teens with the great Yip Man. Years later he made money from acting to fund the training he had to do when he wasn't at work, and he was obsessed with training. So you would have to be successful in some other area to be able to have the money for supplements, gyms, and everything else it takes to get into that kind of shape.
As much as I like Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do, those schools have almost entirely been either replaced by MMA schools or blended into MMA schools. So Bruce Lee existed in a time when what he was doing had never been done before. Now MMA schools are using all of his methods and more for their students.
You ever consider that maybe the world doesn't want another Bruce Lee?
There were better fighters before Lee, there were better fighters at the same time and there have been better since.
Hollywood has turned Lee into a god and like any kind of religious fervor people won't let go of their deity no matter how much proof you present them with.
One of the others put it well, don't waste your time trying to be another Lee, become the best you can be.
I have to agree with Artist here. Do not do something because you want to be someone else- Do it because you want to be a better you.
That said, if you want to reach the level of Bruce Lee, you'll need to work hard. Bruce Lee's workouts were, quite frankly, ridiculous. He had the habit of filming them so he could look them over and figure out what, if anything, he was doing wrong- And as a result, some of his workout tapes have been leaked, and you can find snips of them on youtube if you look. From what I gather, he would quite literally treat his conditioning as his 9-5 job- Which, in a way, it was- and he was more obsessive about his diet than a pre-adolescent girl.
I would set your initial goal to something slightly more sane, if I were you.
You will need to train everyday for hours and hours. its better to start off as a kid though.To be honest i don't think you will become the next bruce lee but if you believe in yourself and set your mind to it and you are 110% committed then go for it! Also best to start training and going to a martial arts school DO NOT go to a crappy school, do your research and look out for the best school around your region or area, start working out going to the gym, also you maybe a great fighter but you need to have a great mind just like bruce lee.. He didn't just have the skills but he had the special diet (eating raw eggs and loved it etc), the smart mind, respect and he seemed quite friendly and everything else. Start watching his videos and see the way he lived and all that!!. good luck:)
Why be like a Bruce Lee. Why not be yourself? Is it because you never accomplished anything?
Being Bruce Lee is a hell lot of work. Besides training like nuts and not sleeping. He fought a lot when he was younger(According to my research). That's what you're going to need.
If it was that simple then 3 billion other Chinese people would've been Bruce Lee already.
Bruce Lee was wholly dedicated to his art. He created a whole new form of Martial Arts and was in the middle of redesigning it when he died of a reaction to headache pills. Now he also experimented with a variety of at the time new training techniques. He was taking protein shakes before anyone in the weightlifting community ever thought of it. He combined weight lifting with martial arts work outs to increase his strength and even hooked himself up to electrodes to stimulate his muscles long before anyone thought of electrical stimulation of the muscles.
Now he essentially combined iron palm, with muay thai style exercises to build up speed and strength while practicing forms. To do this safely will take you a life time. Bruce Lee was undeniable a magnificent Martial Artist and a man far beyond his time. However you also have to remember he put his body under massive amounts of stress and died at a very young age.
Modern research indicates that some of these supplements body builders use actually sabotage the bodies normal muscle building properties and have serious side effects down the line. They can do massive damage to your heart and to your liver and kidneys. It is possible Bruce Lee put his body under so much stress that it could've contributed to the reaction that killed him.
You can be Bruce Lee, just learn from his mistakes and don't put your body under so much stress that you die for your art. Bruce Lee helped end the era of the only hero on TV was a white man. He helped the civil rights movement. Remember that when you try to become Bruce Lee, he was fighting for a hell of lot more then just a belt.
There are those of us in the community that try and find a balance between the extremes Bruce Lee walked and the old ways. Be careful how far you push yourself, no one can learn from you if you kill yourself trying to go beyond the new borders and create something new.
You want to do something other than training? Bruce Lee would continuously do situps while watching TV, he never rested. If you want to be another Bruce Lee you don't stop training unless you're asleep.
"I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan"
-Jackie Chan
Many people say that there will never be another Bruce Lee. Just focus on improving yourself and being better than you were yesterday. It's a good goal to aim at, but just be as best as you can be an be yourself.
I want to become a great martial artist like many hours do I need to train in a day and what else do I need to do?