> I want/need to learn how to defend myself?

I want/need to learn how to defend myself?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Without knowing where you live I can't say if there is a facility in your area but based on what you've indicated I would recommend a legitimate Krav Maga training center. Either of the following organizations can be directly traced back to the origins of Krav and it's founder Imi Sde-Or (Lichtenfeld)...



I have trained in both of these organizations with Darren Levine, and John Whitman. I would trust either of them with my life, as I do trust their teachings in Krav Maga.

Generally, I'd say dealing with bullies is a big aspect on its own. Seeking some help from local organizations of anti-bullying purposes will solve the matter in a peaceful way sometimes. Standing up to a bully with full force ahead could scare off some, other bullies who are complete dickheads are too stupid to care. The situation potentially would get worse if they take it as such intimidation instead of a legitimate warning to back off. If they're not over the top bullies then almost all arts will work except mcdojos. All arts at least have some element of helping you say, 'hey...this is my distance, you're not coming into the circle without suffering damage.' Most bullies don't practice extreme violence by sneaking up with a knife in the parking lot. It's more or less a bit of territory where you keep you distance and make sure they keep theirs.

Though I'd say if you've got friends and people around you to support you. Bullying won't occur easily. Bullies like to exploit, not fight. They'd go for the loner and outcast first, not the majority. Living healthily and just being a part of the majority not the minority aids you.

I actually like aikido because it's a long distance grappling style that involves in less contact than wrestling or judo, which threatens your time of response if you allow them to get close to you. That's not to say those styles are not adequate as clinch is not impossibly out of the question. Though just keeping your holy circle clean should be the priority above fighting. You don't try to actively invade their space. You only react if your space is unclean. That's it. You don't go out of your space or invite danger in to fight them.

There's no best branch. Murphy's law suggest anything can happen. All branches had different things to offer. More difference there are, more close to the 'anything.'

Check out whats in ur area instead of whats online. No point picking a style if it isn't even available in your area. If u like, after u find out whats available you can come back here and ask for advice about picking schools. Most important thing in picking a good school is make sure theres no contracts, no high ranking children or children blackbelts.

Mixed martial arts, you learn fast and it is effective. When I used to have fights with people, my MMA experience allowed me to win. Most bullies don't know how to fight for ****. Also build your body. Become faster. Stronger. Tougher. As much as technique counts in fights, physical condition does too. If you're fighting the captain of the football team, chances are he will knock two sh*ts out of you. What you lack for in strength make up for in speed and agility. But yeah, MMA should be a route you consider for definite.


Kajukenbo is tough it could be good and it could be fun.

I've always been the "little" guy and people like to pick on that. They sometimes physically assault me and I have no idea what to do. I need to learn to how to defend and stand up for myself but am unsure of the branch of martial arts I want to go into. I have recently heard of Aikido and how it redirects the attacker's energy without being in opposition of it. I like that idea but have heard it's a bit unrealistic and takes a long time to learn.

What I'm trying to get at is: what branch of martial arts would be the best for self defense, involves the whole body and doesn't take many years to be adequate?