> I need to be alert in fight. how?

I need to be alert in fight. how?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
i need help. any tips how to be alert and quick response when fighting?

Train a martial art that does sparring.

A great way of being alert during a fight is to be aware of your surroundings. Commonly people during fights get tunnel vision and end up focusing completely on their opponent(s) then winding up on the ground. Look around your opponent to find openings into which you can quickly hit him or land a powerful blow.

Sparring in martial arts helps immensely, it helps you build up that awareness. But make sure there is a degree of contact, non contact sparring with no light/full contact sparring whatsoever is a waste of time and will build up bad habits over time. (Sorry that was awkward to phrase.)

Focus on your sparring partner/person you're going to fight/person who is going to kill you and focus mainly on them but also around them. Use the degree of contact necessary and don't jerk your head or turn away because that's asking for trouble!

Sparring helps, but ultimately you need to train yourself to constantly be aware of your surroundings. In traditional training methods a student would be taken blind folded to a spot they had never been before; given a few seconds and then told to draw the landscape. They would be blindfolded and told to maneuver through a darkened room. Over time they would learn to look for air currents, to memorize what everything around them looks like and to trust their other senses.

To start I would begin with a series of mental exercises if you were my student. I would tell you to pick you a room know well in your home and draw it. Then describe how it smells what things feel like to touch. Then we'd go in and how much you noticed and how much you missed. Then I'd have you keep doing that and slowly introduce new places and objects. I'd blind you and have you identify what was in the room by the sounds you hear, the smells, the way the air moves. I'd push you into using all of your other senses.

Practice everyday describing a place. Get in the habit of when you walk by a car to see how much you remember of it then go back and see what you got right and what you missed. You can train your mind to instinctively record massive amounts of information and then use that information to completely overwhelm an opponent because you instinctively keep track of everything that is going on.

That's the traditional way; it takes time, effort and dedication. It's also how the CIA and special forces train their people to notice little things so they can act on them.

The best and quickest thing to do to become alert when you are fighting is to spar against people who are a lot better than you are. Have them take it a little bit easy on you for the first couple times and up the intensity, and have them critique your sparring afterwords. Sparring against people better than you is one of the best ways to get better at all aspects of fighting.

Do Martial Arts.

i need help. any tips how to be alert and quick response when fighting?