> I'm starting muay Thai soon?

I'm starting muay Thai soon?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
You're not any different than anyone else really. But here's the thing. Embarrassing moments are going to happen. You're learning and sometimes you even will run into genuine bullies. You're going to look like an idiot. No matter how good any of us are now, we all started out looking terrible and doing stupid things, asking stupid things, and even thinking dumb things.

You have to deal with them. Period.

Now, how you deal with them, is different. Some people, you just have to shake a bit and say, "Dude, get over it." With you? Maybe not. Some people need counseling and professional help. But either way you have to deal with it. You can't hide under a rock for the rest of your life out of fear.

awww :(

Its ok we all get scared, its important to think cognitively look into cbt or better yet see a dr/counciler that will help you with some cbt and advise you on how to handle anxiety and your specific social situations.

Unfortunately in order to get relaxed and confident we have to face our fears not just once but over and over and over again routinely as often as possible, until they become easy for us to do. Its quite difficult and takes alot of heart but thats just life.

On the flip side if we avoid our fears over and over again and often they get worse and worse and harder and harder to face.

So make sure you get in a positive cycle of facing your fears routinely, and although thats hard, its alot better / eaiser than running away from our fears which is often our natural inclination.

Good luck I believe in you! :)

Also no you are not starting muay thai too soon but if I was you I wouldnt put myself in a situation where my head would take repeated blows/strikes/knocks because your brain is still developing and your skull and neck isnt as protective of your brain as a child so its very important for proper developtment that you stay away from head trauma. It isnt advisable as an adult either but children are especially at risk.

Thats awesome to hear you want to take it up.

from what ive experienced kick boxing isnt the type of environment where people are likely to laugh at you if you stuff up. This is either because theyre focused on what theyre doing or because everyone started from the start and knows what its like to begin.

i hope you enjoy your journey :)

i love muay thai go on with

Hi im a 14 y/o girl and I'm going to be starting muay thai soon but I have social anxiety and I know whenever I am embarrassed to do things I don't put in any effort and I purposely try and be funny just to get out of doing whatever I'm doing because im scared if I really try I will make a fool out of myself and get embarrassed, it's not like I can just not do it I hate when people who don't understand say that because they don't know what it's like I have the biggest fear of being embarrassed I started softball and got hit with the ball and people laughed and I was embarrassed and I never went back... I really want to start muay thai and actually get good at it please help.