> I'm getting bullied please help?

I'm getting bullied please help?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Kid, I got bullied as a kid and I will tell you one thing, TAKE MARTIAL ARTS, getting bullied sucks and has left mental and emotional scars on me as a grown Fu**ing man. Listen, I come from a ghetto area and telling (snitching) isn't always the best thing to do, but DO tell your parents, because no one loves you, and cares more for you than your parents, and if they don't care, than they are crappy parents.

Now to the martial arts, if you have WRESTLING in your school join the wrestling team it will make you physically strong, athletic, and give you tremendous strength, conditioning and confidence, you take a bully down and beat his *** with elbows and punches to the nose, chin, and temple. Submission grappling is also a Great option, youtube it and see

Second, or once wrestling season is over, go to a boxing gym, a good one that helps to develop kids. boxing will help with footwork evasion and the most effective punches are the jab and cross combination, then you back away to avoid being hit and explode back in for more punches, if he comes in, clinch with him and do some dirty boxing uppercuts to the chin , he will drop like a fly.

If you have neither of these two, judo and muay thai are a GREAT second option. If you can find an mma school nearby, even better because they usually have a kids anti bullying program. Have health insurance you may or may not need it but its always good to have just in case.

Violence is not always the answer, TRUE, BUT, that's all bullies understand, and if you never learn to fight, where will you grow and get your confidence from? So yeah sometimes it may just take a little standing up for yourself.

Kid I feel for you cause I went through the same thing, PLEASE show this to your parents so they can see how serious this is. And teachers hardly ever help they usually make things worse.

Whatever you decide to do, stick with it, you may suck at first but within a few short months you will get better and better and better and see progress the longer you stick with it, nothing is easy and you can't win all your fights but through it all, show heart and will son.

I wish you the best and I really hope I made a difference kid, any questions or if your parents have any please feel free to ask.

P.S. Once you've learned to fight don't be a bully yourself, treat people as YOU would like to be treated be polite and kind to others, and show compassion to those around you, good luck kid.

Getting bullied sucks. I know I'm supposed to tell you to tell a teacher but I know that doesn't always work. First you should stand up for yourself verbally. Tell him to get lost and leave you alone. If he threatens to hit you so what. Take the hits and walk away. The kid is a loser for bullying in the first place.

If you really want to take a martial art for defense that you can use in most bully situations I recommend Judo. As I recall a bully likes to push a lot. In judo I spend an hour practicing how to push and counter push people around before sweeping or throwing them. I know you think punching them would be amazing and it would but it will get you in trouble. Sweeping someone or throwing them won't get you in nearly as much trouble and the fall to hard ground will hurt them a lot. I would use sweeps or simple throws anything you can easily accomplish in a judo practice. It might take a little time.

This is a recommendation for this specific scenario with what sounds like a stereotype bully. For self defense their is no best martial art.

Martial Arts.

Tell your parents about the issue and of it's happening at school then talk to the principal. There are laws about bulling in most states now a days

As for a martial arts, what matters is the instructor and how you train not the style

Take boxing, Muay Thai, or mma, these will train you to defend yourself. Other Than the martial arts techniques, the physical conditioning and training will give you a new self confidence to stand up to those bullies. Hurt the bullies bad once, they will think twice about coming at you a second time.

violence isn't always best but try to stop the bulling and tell someone who you can trust to get you through. if you were to start a martial art go with judo

muai thai, its the best art there is :) in my opinion you should tell someone like your principal or parents but also martial arts can help you in the future as a self defence for example when you get robbed you can then kick ***

Violence isn't the answer; even if it is self defense. Tell your parents, teachers and even the police. They have to take your problem seriously, bullies are idiots, just don't give up. telling the people listed above are the people who can help resolve your problem

tell your local paper and get them to name and shame the culprits , report it to your head of year and head of school it should be in their interest to sort it out , tell your parents or anyone who is a friend good luck