> I'm a guy and I'm afraid to fight?

I'm a guy and I'm afraid to fight?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
i used to be somewhat like that....martial arts increases your self confidence some you should consider taking up one another thing you have to realize in a fight the whole purpose is to hurt the other person unless your defending yourself if theyre attacking you then its best to just cheapshot or do something to get away but if your fighting for another reason before you start get yourself in a **** this person attitude **** there feelings **** there life **** them! dont give af about them if your at the point were your fighting them screw them your there to hurt them. go crazy

first of all, don't use gay as a way to describe something negative. I've trained for years and i know gay guys who could kick my *** six ways to Sunday. Anyway, if you want to learn to fight, obviously you need to learn a martial art, Karate, Taekwando, ect. your main problem is that if you want to fight, you need to learn how to tolerate pain. you need to let go of fear, because the only thing fear will serve to do is disrupt your thought process and get you beat up. start conditioning. start a martial art. when your body is conditioned, you'll feel endlessly more confident when someone starts getting aggressive. also, nothing about fighting is glorious or amazing. a big man solves problems with his fists. a bigger man solves problems with his head. fighting should always always always be the LAST resort. if you're being harassed or threatened, go to the police or school administration. they will take care of it. if you "take matters into your own hands", you will most likely get beat up, then expelled, and then arrested, not necessarily in that order.

its fine to be afraid (honestly most guys are unless they're sure they will win), but if u want to get rid of ur fear, it would probably be best to confront it. u don't have to full on face a gang bash or anything, but just have a bit of a tussle and realise that u won't die if u get hit once or twice. maybe learn some martial arts?

Fear and nerves are a natural reaction and learning to use them to your benifit can help you. read a sports psychology book on mma to show you how to gain confidence in yourself, also take up boxing, jiujitsu or Muay Thai to build up your self esteem, good luck.

That's fine. I am that way too and it does not make you less manly. They say it is more manlier to be diplomatic than fight. Fighting is what bullies do, only makes enemies and not friends.

Fear activates adrenaline. Adrenaline makes you become stronger so you can dominate your opponent.

I'm afraid to fight. I don't know why things are this way for me. But it really sucks because I don't feel manly because of it. I feel like a looser, I feel too weak, to scared of pain or doing something really bad to another person. When I was a kid, I've been to fights few times. Most of the time I lost them, because big kids attacked me and kicked my ***. Usually I used to get into fights because I wanted to protect my self or my friends from all sorts of assholes. Maybe thats how I got that fear.

My younger brother (I'm 17, hes 13) in the last few years fought and won in more fights than I ever did in my entire life. I know its not okay to hurt people. I don't want to hurt people. I just want to be safe. I want to lose that ******* gay fear and be a man for once.