> I got beat up and can't get over it?

I got beat up and can't get over it?

Posted at: 2015-05-07 
Let it slide, take it as a lesson learned , it's just one of those bumps on the road of life, look at the positives 1, your alive 2, Only a bit a of a bloody and broken nose really you could of been dealt a worse hand. 3, running away is a good option, you survived. Dont dwell on the what ifs, because the what if's never happened and that's the way it is. Look at it this way ,if it happens again i bet it wont go down the sameway? as far as im concerned the scenario dosn't matter it whats going on in your head now that counts now, more than anything else would i be right in saying your pride has taken a blow? thats what you need to work on right now, in a years time will this still be beating you up, probably not so why wait a year to get to that point, make it happen now.

You would have gained nothing from being 20 and beating up a homeless man twice your age. You would only look like some young thug taking advantage of a poor elder down on his luck.

Best advice would be for you to take training so that you could learn to escape without being hit or grabbed. Actually, the best advice is for you to learn how to read people and avoid dangerous situations. You should do some reading of books by Rory Miller and Marc Animal Mac Young. Also see if you can find the Self Defense group on Linked In.

Well first off I am a senior citizen and I know I can beat to a pulp a lot of younger guys especially if I sucker punch them first. That is not that difficult. When you are stopped like that never look down at your watch or in your wallet or take your eyes off them for reasons that you have already learned. Secondly step back a step even if you have to to create distance between you and them if they are too close and have cut down any time you have to react. Maybe he was on drugs-maybe not; he might not have been homeless but instead too lazy to work and not as weak or infirm as what you thought.

I am always careful around people like this because you just don't know and at the first sign of any kind of dispute or argument about what I am giving them I increase the distance between me and them and keep walking then. I also carry my money in my pocket folded in half with smaller bills on the outside. That way I can peel off a bill or two and pull that out without them seeing how much in total I might have and I am not fumbling with things like wallets or have all my cash out there exposed.

I'm sorry that happened to you, but you did do the right thing by running away. Report him to the police, tell them what happened, what the guy looked like, and where it was. He shouldn't be too hard to find.

Don't worry about it, again you were right by being smart and running, that was a good decision. Now, just don't let it bother you. Report it to the police and move on. Good luck and stay safe.


Good point by Lynn, fighting is always dangerous, especially when there is blood. Running away might have saved your life.

You will get over it with time....Since it happened is good to learn from it...In addition what you are going to do is up to you. No one can tell you what is better for you to do, to seek revenge, to go to the police or nothing...That is up to you to decide....

By what you are describing at list, the mistakes that you did, is that you have decided that people on drugs are stronger, older are stronger, this is better, the other is better so...there it is....

This is one of the reasons that I never tell to anyone that this or the other is either impossible, either that this or that has any real and necessary advantage on anything, either is necessarily win or loose or something similar,...and I would prefer other people to start doing the same on this.:)

U froze up under pressure...that and being beat up badly at least once in a person's life is totally normal

My advice is to join a boxing gym and expand headbutts into ur arsenal as well

Maybe in a month or two u can smoke him in a rematch...just don't go too overboard in the stomping if he's unable to fight anymore :)

I think this is not true as most homeless folks if were given a dollar then would thank you and go on their way. I guess they beat up folks that don't give them any money also?

Find out where he sleeps and soak him and all his **** in Icey pee water in the middle of winter hyperthermia will do the rest. I'm joking of course if you know where e sleeps go tell the police and report the assult who knows you might get some of his social security that he sends of drugs.

Someone tried to mug you and potentially do serious damage to you so you ran away. He could have had a knife; you did the right thing. But you should be on guard from now on, if someone makes you uncomfortable o uneasy be ready to defend yourself.

I would have reported this to the Police to protect other unsuspecting Good Samaritans.

If you fought him and punctured his skin (expose yourself to blood), you would run the risk of disease (HIV or hepatitis, etc.) if he is a carrier. You were smart by not escalating the situation.

Hello,im 20 years old and I got beat up by a homeless man,he was black no offense and i cant get over it,but I was walking on the street and this bum in his 40s was asking for money so I gave him a dollar he wanted more I was gonna give home 1 more dollar but then he said give me all your money or I'll break your neck I told him f u then he sucker punched me like 5 times he broke my nose and alot of blood was gushing out so I was shocked,I was gonna sock him but then I thought what if he doesn't feel anything cuz he is probably on drugs and I've heard people on drugs have the strength of super man.then I left was it a good idea to run away ppl tell me I should of beat the he'll out of him cuz I'm big I weigh 250lbs but I'm only 20 years old he was over 40 years old but I kinda regret running away I should of fought him now I feel so bad cuz of this,what would u guys do.thanks

Get a baseball bat and broke HIS neck , hes just a homeless guy not a lot of ppl will take care